Hahaha, this headline totally made me laugh out loud. Thank God it’s too early for a Diet Cherry Coke or I would be cleaning my keyboard right now. From AOL.com : It’s been just over a week since teenage heartthrob Justin Bieber got the haircut that made headlines, but some fans are still in denial over the loss of his luscious, side-swept locks. At least that’s the sentiment sweeping the Bieber blog Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber, which posts photographs of women — many of whom are lesbians — who happen to resemble the 17-year-old teen sensation. Now, for a blog that updates on a daily basis, you’d think there would already be several postings of female doppelgangers proudly copying Bieber’s new ‘do. Blog founder –- and fellow lesbian Bieber look-alike –- Dannielle Owens-Reid told AOL News that despite announcing Bieber’s major hair development in a post last week, she’s gotten zero photo submissions of lesbians sporting Bieber’s new, more mature haircut. This leads her to believe that lesbians who resemble the youthful, attractive singer — or at least those “Biebians” who regularly visit her blog — simply aren’t ready to accept the change in his hairstyle. Instead, they seem to be ignoring it. “I get submissions every single day. Since he cut his hair, that hasn’t changed. But I’m still getting the same amount of pictures of girls with the swoopy Justin Bieber hair, not the new style. It’s like everyone wants to ignore the new cut, just like everyone wants to ignore the fact that he’s dating Selena Gomez. It’s one of those ‘say it ain’t so’ moments,” Owens-Reid said.
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Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber refuse to accept new haircut