Tag Archives: ignore-the-rest

Kendall Jenner Graces Coachella With Her Hotness

I love getting new pictures of Kendall Jenner almost as much as I hate all the fake hipsters at Coachella, so I’m going to do my best to focus on the positives here and ignore the rest of these idiots. So enjoy these shots of Kendall and her hot friends at the fest (and no, I’m not talking about the dude on her right, you weirdos). » view all 16 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Kelly Brook’s Ass in Jeans of the Day

Kelly Brook is one of the funnier UK Glamour models – who ran away from the UK to America, where she probably thought she would do a lot more than Sharknado or Piranha, or maybe she did it for her love for fast food. I’ve heard a lot of funny stories about her, all involving her not being fit, while being low level, a product of great photoshop and laziness, with typical fat girl “Show off my tits and people will ignore the rest of me”…I’ve also heard she was fucked by a whole bunch of various European athletes and I guess that come just comes with the Glamour Model territory… Either way, she’s in LA in very tight jeans, we call this not being willing to size up, and there’s something I like about that, I don’t know what…but it’s definitely something. TO SEE THE REST OF THESE PICS CLICK HERE TO SEE THE SOME OF HER FAKING FITNESS PICS CLICK HERE

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Kelly Brook’s Ass in Jeans of the Day

Jessica Simpson Fat Tits of the Day

Jessica Simpson is fat. This isn’t news. She’s not trying to hide it. She’s just a girl pushing 30 who just doesn’t have the same body she had 10 years ago, like the high school prom queen who never spoke to you that you bumped into at Wal Mart with her 3 black babies with different fathers and 60 pounds heavier, reminding you that sometimes fucking the basketball team when you’re the star cheerleader loses its appeal and has a downside when you do it in your 20s after emotionally eating your way to a state of disgusting…. By American standards, I know you still find bitch hot and skinny and for the rest of you I know her huge tits excite you enough to ignore the rest of her, so I figure I might as well post the shit….and that’s just what’ I’ll do… If you look closely, you will see her gay hairstylist who force feeds her to make himself look skinny as he leaches off her fame in efforts to make himself famous…all while looking like he’s dying of Aids…not necessarily cuz he’s Gay but because he looks like Tom Hanks in Philedelphia…. Pics via PacificCoastNews Pics via Fame Pics via PacificCoastNews Pics via Fame

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Jessica Simpson Fat Tits of the Day