Michelle Lee was minding her business sipping a water with her friend when a bouncer approached her, asked if she was pregnant, and promptly escorted her to the door. Michelle Lee was catching up with friends at a nightspot near her parents’ home when a bouncer pulled her aside. “Can I ask you a personal question?” Lee recalled him asking. “Are you pregnant?” She responded yes because, at eight months along, it would have been difficult to argue otherwise, she said later. Lee, 29, said the bouncer who was staffing the Coach House bar near Roselle didn’t care that she was only drinking water. …”He just said, if anything happens, if a fight breaks out and you get hurt, we are responsible,” Lee said. “That can happen anywhere. If I am going somewhere, I am taking responsibility.” Civil rights experts said that, despite any good intentions, it would be wrong to send a woman packing just because she was pregnant. “There are certain things for which you are not able to discriminate against someone, and one is their gender,” said Ed Yohnka, an American Civil Liberties Union spokesman. “And only women can have babies. You can’t discriminate against a pregnant person.” According to the Illinois Human Rights Act: “It is unlawful to discriminate in the full and equal enjoyment of facilities and services by any place of public accommodation.” Now, we get that the bouncer had the best possible intentions when asking Miss Lee to leave, and clearly some lawyers believe that this is a clear case of discrimination. But, do you feel it was WRONG for the bouncer to ask her to leave??? Source

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For Discussion: Is It Wrong To Ask A Pregnant Woman To Leave A Bar?