Tag Archives: images-mocking

Angelique “Frenchy” Morgan’s Asshole of the Day

I don’t really have any idea what these pictures of Angelique “Frenchy” Morgan are of…they are just so fucking disturbing – I felt obligated to post them…. From what I know about Angelique “Frenchy” Morgan, she’s a prostitute in LA, who at one point in time, and maybe even to this day, turns tricks. She was clever enough to follow the lead of other low level fame whores, who pre- social media – would make silly spectacles of themselves at the paparazzi hot sports – and because of the ridiculousness of their publicity stunts and cries for attention – whether naked or in bikinis – the photo agencies would run the images and blogs would post the images mocking these people – but with Donald Trump school of all press is good press – they’d think it was an achievement – keep it going, as long as they could, and who knows, maybe it got them higher payouts when escorting – or maybe it got them enough attention for them to think they actually mattered… Now, they still do the same bullshit tactics, but are really fucking old and weathered and this shoot of her cooking cereal in a mesh outfit – is just so twisted…weird…like where did this idea come from, what kind of drugs are they on, and why are these getting released for anything more than weird fetish pictures of a monster – that they are…. So fucking weird…and you can see her asshole… The post Angelique “Frenchy” Morgan’s Asshole of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Angelique “Frenchy” Morgan’s Asshole of the Day