Tag Archives: imagines-entire

Too Cute: Tiny Harris Shares First Precious Pic Of Her And Tip’s Little Heiress

Tiny Harris Shares Photo Of Baby Heiress Tiny and Tip welcomed their “Lucky #7” just a few months back, and the happy parents have been over the moon taking care of their littlest princess in private. Today, Tiny finally revealed the mini-Harris’ adorable little face — partially covered by Mama’s kisses, of course: So cute! Tiny is obviously elated to have a little baby girl to care for these days… Isn’t Heiress sooo cute?? Instagram

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Too Cute: Tiny Harris Shares First Precious Pic Of Her And Tip’s Little Heiress

SMH: Psycho Chicago Cop Who Assaulted Woman And Pepper Sprayed Her Baby For No Reason Can’t Explain Her Reckless Record [Video]

Remember the insane story of a Chicago reverend that was run down by a cop car, pepper sprayed, and beaten out of her clothes for no real reason at all? Apparently the cop that spearheaded the whole attack is still on the loose, and still pulling reasons out of the clear blue sky to attack citizens going about their day in the normal fashion. WTF? Is this one just mental or on some hallucinogenic drugs? She completely imagines entire scenarios in which she can wild out, has complaint after complaint filed against her, and the city still lets her run around with a badge and a gun. Are they waiting for someone to DIE before they do something?? SMH. CBS Chicago

SMH: Psycho Chicago Cop Who Assaulted Woman And Pepper Sprayed Her Baby For No Reason Can’t Explain Her Reckless Record [Video]