Tag Archives: implanted-frame

Christina Aguilera’s Mom Tits in Women’s Health of the Day

These were released over 10 days ago…and no one fucking noticed…. Possibly because Women’s Health is a nothing magazine with zero impact on the world….or maybe Christina Aguilera is just past her prime…which you can probably make out for yourself when looking at these pictures that scream anything but health… I remember when she was a tiny little singing machine, sure her voice was irritating, but that big voice was impression out of a little breast implanted frame, but that loses its appeal when she really looks like a 35 year old mom…she’s juste decided to say fuck it to trying to be hot and Hollywood, and just embraced “I’ll sing and be fat, because that’s what my mentors, big black women, do”…. I guess babies, quitting coke too many times, eating disorders and not working while sitting on your pile of money, makes retiring and looking like a retired momma ok… This isn’t really my thing, mainly because there are younger hotter women….pretty much everywhere you look. Oh and there’s a VIDEO! The post Christina Aguilera’s Mom Tits in Women’s Health of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Christina Aguilera’s Mom Tits in Women’s Health of the Day