For those of you who remember Amanda Bynes , you’ll be glad to know that she was arrested this morning for drunk driving…..the story is that she drove her BMW into a cop car at an interestion… you may be wondering why you’re gonna be happy about this…and the answer is simple…the first step to a desperate has-been, especially child star has been, to fall into that level of pathetic, trying to figure out a way back into the industry, to get the good life….is getting a DUI….the next steps will include genital flashing….and more important sex tapes… I love me some tormented bitches who can’t manage their booze, or more importantly who can’t afford a driver in their starlet life….especially when they were teens I wanted to fuck back when they were tight, unable to get pregnant and naturally bald…if you know what I mean. I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US
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Amanda Bynes DUI Mugshot Porn of the Day