Tag Archives: impossible-task

Top 10 Hottest Vegans

Going without meat for even a day seems like an impossible task, but for these ten beauties, it’s a way of life! Many of these babes have appeared semi-nude in ads for PeTA, but all ten of them have doffed their duds on screen and we couldn’t be more excited for their anti-meat stance. It’ll be hard not to tenderize your own meat while looking at the tantalizing treats from Pamela Anderson , Linda Blair , and more, but abstinence makes your part grow harder!

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Top 10 Hottest Vegans

The Sleekest iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup Video You’ve Ever Seen


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While getting back on track with every rumor surround the iPhone 5 under two minutes might have seen like an impossible task until today (unless you attended speed reading classes and use our awesome guide), it is not anymore. The Sleekest iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup Video You’ve Ever Seen is a story by AppAdvice.com AppAdvice – iPhone, iPad, iPod, App Reviews + News Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Apple iPhone Apps Discovery Date : 11/08/2011 06:14 Number of articles : 2

The Sleekest iPhone 5 Rumor Roundup Video You’ve Ever Seen

Last Pure Air Particles on Earth Captured for Climate Science

Photo via MyFavoritePetSitter In order to know what the emissions and pollution created since the industrial revolution have really done to our air quality, researchers need to know what the air was like before we discovered our affinity for factories. To do that, they have to scout out the last places on earth where the air has stayed unaffected by everything we’ve pumped into it. It sounds like an impossible task, but researchers have found a spot above the Amazon Basin of Manaus that seems to fit the bill. They’v… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Last Pure Air Particles on Earth Captured for Climate Science