Tag Archives: ing-incredible

Mr. Skin’s Oscar Rubdown! [PICS]

“You know, it used to be, you get naked, you get nominated. Not anymore. [Sigh] Not anymore” – Anne Hathaway Last night’s Oscars proved that if you want to be young, hip and relevant in Hollywood, shower awards on a historical drama about overcoming stuttering. But not all was old and stiff, with many, many beautiful actresses causing a whole other kind of stiffness on the red carpet. Of sexceptional interest were presenters Jennifer Hudson , looking pert and perky in a tangerine orange gown, and Mila Kunis , seducing the crowd in low cut lavender. Congratulations to utterly charming host Anne Hathaway and all of last night’s Oscar winners, especially the beautiful Melissa Leo (and her F*ing incredible acceptance speech) and knocked-up knockout Natalie Portman !

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Mr. Skin’s Oscar Rubdown! [PICS]