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5 Black TV Couples Who Shouldn’t Have Married!

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The sanctity of marriage is in a state of emergency. According to The Enrichment Journal, the divorce rate in America for first time marriages is 41 percent. While television seeks to successfully portray real life situations on the the screen, “bad” marriages have also translated to the media. The drama going on in your bedroom is what you can also see on your favorite entertainment station. Stacia L. Brown of HufffingtonPost.com evaluated the “bad” marriages currently on the boob tube. “Jumping the broom is only half the battle. For TV couples, the titles “husband” and “wife” are just the beginning. They also have to convince viewers that they’re compatible — that they belong together, or as Joan Clayton used to sickeningly repeat in every episode of Malik Yoba’s character arc on Girlfriends , that they’re each other’s “Enchanted Love.That can be a hard sell — even for couples the writers *really* need for us to buy as soulmates. Here’s a list of matrimonial pairs who may’ve missed the mark.” Melanie and Derwin, The Game . Is it me, or did Derwin seem happiest when he wasn’t with Melanie? All she does is play games, whine, keep secrets, and swab his kid for DNA when he isn’t home. She initially mocks his career, believing her own profession to be so much nobler. He agrees to pay her way through medical school and she decides not to practice. Then, come to find out, she terminated a pregnancy and never told him, after harassing his own child’s mother, brow-beating him, and trying to get him to sign away his parental rights. The new season should open with a trip to divorce court. See who else made the full list at HuffingtonPost.com! BET’s The Game Star Tia Mowry’s Baby Shower [VIDEO] “Tee Tee” From The Game Talks Kiss With Tia & Where The Show Is Headed!

5 Black TV Couples Who Shouldn’t Have Married!