Tag Archives: inspired-viral

#stepGIRL Macbud for Shade London of the Day

Here’s a little #stepGIRL Legend Macbud for AnotherSideWalk TV for Shade London It took place in a hotel room that I wasn’t’ allowed to be a part of, because my wife doesn’t leave my house, but I didn’t make them give me the Starbucks cup after the shit – to sniff and masturbate to…because it was as good as I could get considering that she kept the panties for herself…these girls, so inconsiderate of my needs…

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#stepGIRL Macbud for Shade London of the Day

Kayden Kross’ Sugar Daddy Commercial of the Day

Porn legend Kayden Kross is starring in this next level “dollar shave club” inspired viral video for a Sugar Daddy website – where she basically calls out girls and lets them know that it is ok to give blow jobs for money, because you’re going to be giving blow jobs anyway and money is good…guys with money is good…and dating guys with money because they have money is good…. The fact is that any girl who isn’t on these Sugar Daddy sites is missing out on free trips, free relationships and if you want to find out everything you need to know about being a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Baby read this awesome article by ASHLEY IN LA AT THE SUGAR DADDY CONVENTION

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Kayden Kross’ Sugar Daddy Commercial of the Day