Tag Archives: insta-followers

Emo Breezy Discusses Being “Konfuzed,” Hating Himself, And Dirty Dogging The Women In His Life

Chris Brown Muses On Life Via Instagram Is Chris Brown turning over yet another new leaf? After turning up on Tyson Beckford and getting relentlessly roasted after blaming his ever-shifting emotions on his skin-tone , Breezy penned an Instagram essay saying that he realizes how his mouth and antics have played a major role in his own karma, and is refusing to be the same old Chris from now on. Peep what Chris told his insta followers about making changes in his life: Interesting. So does this mean he’ll stop threatening models and “acting lightskinned” from now on?? Instagram

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Emo Breezy Discusses Being “Konfuzed,” Hating Himself, And Dirty Dogging The Women In His Life