Chris Brown Lashes Out On Instagram Over Nia Guzman’s Boyfriend Breezy’s having a busy night on social media. First he used is IG fingers to get Marques Houston off his ex-girl’s thirstful snap , and now he’s on a popular blog account going in on his daughter Royalty’s “other Dad” King Ba for being wanted by Houston cops for running check scams. Our friends over at BallerAlert posted up the story on the Houston PD’s search for King Ba, and Breezy promptly dove into the comment section to give his two cents on the absurdity of Nia trying to keep him away from Royalty while a wanted criminal freely spends time with his daughter. But Nia Guzman’s IG thumbs are equally as strong. Hit the flip to see her clap back at Chris… Instagram / BallerAlert
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Chris Brown Snaps On Nia Guzman Via Instagram Over Her Boyfriend’s Check Fraud Drama