Tag Archives: intangibles

‘Hottest MCs In The Game’: What Does It Take To Make The List?

Impact, lyrics, sales, buzz, style and the intangibles all factor in to the upcoming ‘Hottest MCs in the Game VIII’ debate. By MTV News Staff Hottest MCs in the Game VIII Photo: MTV News

See the rest here:
‘Hottest MCs In The Game’: What Does It Take To Make The List?

For Discussion: Is Amber Rose Really The New Wifey Standard?

Is Amber Rose what all men really want? We’ve got to ask, because clearly Kanye loved the isht out of her. And now that Wiz has wifed her all the way up, fools are taking to the internet to proclaim the glories of her as a girlfriend. We happened to stumble upon an essay on Single Black Male dedicated to all the reasons why one particular fanboy has become an Amber Rose devotee and we thought we’d share some excerpts: Amber Rose however was unique because she possesses a very particular set of skills; skills she has acquired over a very long career. Skills that make her a nightmare for mediocre people. That skill is elevating her man to new heights. I mean think about it, Kanye West went from 808s and Heartbreak to Dark Fantasy. He went from Top 10 to a discussion of ‘Could Kanye actually be the best in the game right now?’ Eventually, they broke up and Amber went on to date Wiz Khalifa. I’m not sure if you know this but Wiz Khalifa didn’t really have all the cards working in his favor from jump. But with the power of Amber Rose, you can’t tell him isht. And that’s what every man needs in his life. A woman who makes him feel like on any given day, you can’t tell him isht. It’s not about Amber Rose and her pretty pregnant ass, it’s about what she represents. Now let’s break this down into five very key points about Amber Rose and why I think she is super awesome. 1. She’s cool with her man’s friends. 2. She supports! 3. She’s beautiful, knows it, but doesn’t let it define her. 4. She doesn’t really care what other people say about her. 5. The people closest to her all say great things about her. Not all of us will be able to meet a model chick, who looks awesome in low top Chucks, who doesn’t have a problem sending sexts (with attachments), who digs strip clubs, will roll up even though she doesn’t partake, and who can transform a career from Dark Horse to Seabiscuit, but we can dream. Some of us are living that dream, by the way. A lot of times men look for all the wrong things in a woman. They will stay in a bad situation just because of cute face and slim waist, but it’s the intangibles that make it work. It’s those intangibles that some women think are optional or “nice to have” that really get the job done. For that reason, and that reason only, that is the inspiration and mantra behind, In Search of Amber Rose. While we’d beg to differ with some of these points, clearly this guy is serious, so we had to ask — guys, how many of you feel this way? Do all men agree that Amber Rose has some ideal traits? And while you’re here ladies, do you think this guy is off his rocker or do you think that women can all learn something from Amber as well? Please Discuss!

See the article here:
For Discussion: Is Amber Rose Really The New Wifey Standard?