Tag Archives: internal-polls

Ron Paul: On the Attack and Being Attacked


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Ron Paul has shifted from last campaign as the guy with a reputation for idea-based politics that didn’t descend to personal attacks on opponents, to the guy seen as most aggressive in direct attacks on his fellow candidates. Paul was challenged about this point at last night’s debate. Below, his latest take on why all three of his quasi-viable fellow contestants are no good, serial hypocrites, fake… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Reason Magazine – Hit & Run Discovery Date : 17/01/2012 05:04 Number of articles : 3

Ron Paul: On the Attack and Being Attacked

Dead Movement Walking: Pelosi Tries to Distance Herself, Dems from #Occupy Movement


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As the boss says, Nancy “1%-er” Pelosi has clearly read the internal polls on the #Occupy “movement.” On the same day that a few dozen #Occupiers descended and Capitol Hill, one of whom was arrested for assaulting a cop, Dame Pelosi tries her best to distance herself from the leftist temper tantrum: Of course, when the Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Big Government Discovery Date : 17/01/2012 19:16 Number of articles : 2

Dead Movement Walking: Pelosi Tries to Distance Herself, Dems from #Occupy Movement