Tag Archives: involves-girls

Brooke Perry for O’Neill of the Day

Her name is Brooke Perry. She’s a Model with some major modelling agency because she’s amazing to look at, at least in these half naked pictures for O’Neill, a surf brand, that I guess decided to say “fuck it, why use a pro surfer, when we can use a chick from Montana to represent us, it’s not like anyone will know the difference, and it’s not like we should put some resources back into the surf world, because bikini models, are what people want to see”…and I’m all for anything that involves girls getting half naked…whether it makes sense on the marketing front for the brand or not…whether Brooke Perry is a surfer or not, wearing surf lifestyle clothes, for a surf brand that is on it’s way out of business, means nothing to me, I just wish she was surfing on my face with her vagina. I’m romantic like that.

Continued here:
Brooke Perry for O’Neill of the Day

Gisele’s Yoga Porn of the Day

Gisele posted this picture of some dude kicking her in the cunt, that was captured at the perfect moment, about a week ago.. I only saw it now, because I hardly care about transgendered models and the beard they provide for prop athletes…especially not after they’ve had a couple kids and just sold their house for 400 million dollars or some shit…They have won at life…and I can’t be bothered… But I can be bothered with Yoga Porn, because like fitness porn. it involves girls in skimpy clothing in poses that are ridiculously pornographic, if you look at it from the right perspective, and that is from a place of wanting to stick your dick in it, rather than one of judging whether her technique is right or not…

See the rest here:
Gisele’s Yoga Porn of the Day