Tag Archives: guess-decided

Brooke Perry for O’Neill of the Day

Her name is Brooke Perry. She’s a Model with some major modelling agency because she’s amazing to look at, at least in these half naked pictures for O’Neill, a surf brand, that I guess decided to say “fuck it, why use a pro surfer, when we can use a chick from Montana to represent us, it’s not like anyone will know the difference, and it’s not like we should put some resources back into the surf world, because bikini models, are what people want to see”…and I’m all for anything that involves girls getting half naked…whether it makes sense on the marketing front for the brand or not…whether Brooke Perry is a surfer or not, wearing surf lifestyle clothes, for a surf brand that is on it’s way out of business, means nothing to me, I just wish she was surfing on my face with her vagina. I’m romantic like that.

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Brooke Perry for O’Neill of the Day

Arianny Celeste & Bryana Holly Bikini Photoshoot of the Day

Arianny Celeste and Orange County Instagram Model Bryana Holly, who once dated Brody Jenner for fame, hung out in their bikinis and it looked like it was so fun to stare at…I know this because I am staring at them..and so are you…instead of doing something productive with your time you fucking creep…you’re just wasting away at pics of girls who are getting paid all because they are in bikinis… I think it’s safe to say that doing this shoot, was a good play for Byanna Holly, you know model with someone more famous and steal their fans…in this competitive game called modeling…

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Arianny Celeste & Bryana Holly Bikini Photoshoot of the Day

Alexa Vega Ass Working Out of the Day

Alexa Vega recently got married, and I guess decided to show the world her fat ass in leggings doing some kind of fitness shit, because it is a good angle for her, far better than then one of her in a wedding dress…and I think it’s safe to say she took this for Robert Rodrigues, since that now that she has a man, she can’t just be sending the only guy who has ever given her work, because she clearly has dirt on him…masturbation material, she has to do it through instagram instead.

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Alexa Vega Ass Working Out of the Day

Emily Didonato’s Hot in Interview of the Day

Emily Didonato is posing pretty hot for Interview magazine, who I guess decided to interview her, because she’s a person of interest, you know cuz all commercial models are, even the ones handing tampons out outside of Costco…but as good as she is at posing in pictures or even to stare at for long periods of time, I see one thing and one thing only, and that’s the stain on her soul that came from having sex with Jake Gyllenhaal…a fate worse than AIDS to someone like me who hates Jake Gyllenhaal, and that might be AIDS to her, because there is no way that flamer is straight and not having unprotected sex in gay bathhouses around the world…. I don’t care how good a bitch is to look at, when she pulls groupie stunts with actors, they are dead to me, but the good news is they are the kind of dead you’d fuck if you found them on the side of the road still warm….

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Emily Didonato’s Hot in Interview of the Day

Holly Madison Shows Off The Puppies

Now that Holly Madison is pregnant, we’ll probably be seeing less of her for a little while. So it was nice of Holly to give us all this cleavage as a parting gift. It got me wondering though, do fake boobs get bigger when you’re pregnant just like real ones? I guess we’ll find out. Either way though, Holly’s still got nice puppies. » view all 44 photos Related Articles Holly Madison’s Breasts Are WOW! Holly Madison’s Boobs Are Up For Grabs Holly Madison’s Breasts Like To Party Holly Madison’s Got Strange Fashion Sense Photos: WENN.com , Fame

Holly Madison Shows Off The Puppies

Kari Byron Just Made Nerds Very Happy

I have no idea what’s going on here in this picture, but I do know that it’s bound to get nerds thinking some very dirty thoughts. Mythbusters host Kari Byron was at The Tech Museum in Silicon Valley, and I guess decided to hop up and try out the machinery. That’s the good thing about nerdy chicks: they’re always down for some hands-on learning. Related Articles: Kari Byron’s Mythbusting Cleavage Karissa Shannon Flashes More Than Just Ass Karissa Shannon And Heidi Montag Sex Tape? Karissa Shannon Sex Tape Promo Pictures

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Kari Byron Just Made Nerds Very Happy