Tag Archives: even-the-ones

Noah Cyrus Erotica of the Day

I know that girls wrapped in towels is a fetish to some dudes. I guess they like knowing the bitch has been hosed off and is cleaned off…drying off but still with easy access to pull off the towel and take whatever they want from them. I know that girls play up the innocent post shower towel erotica…because I’ve watched 80s college movies where showers and towels are a huge part of their weak plots… I also know that I’ve been to public campgrounds, gyms, pools and other places where towels have been used to cover up a cold and wet hoses off bitch. So I get it. It can be hot. But when Miley’s sister the troll who we only know exists because Miley did a great job getting stupid famous…and this one gets to associate and ride off that….it’s not that hot…cuz even when ugly girls, rich or not, do things girls we want to fuck do, Or dress like, it is almost obsolete…it barely exists but is still better than nothing I guess. At least she’s got a hand over her face to help her look hotter. The entitled rich girl is trying. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Noah Cyrus Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Noah Cyrus Erotica of the Day

Jamie King is Pantsless of the Day

Jamie King posted up this racy picture of herself, because she’s just that kind of girl. It has nothing to do with her being Martin Luther Kings’ illegit daughter. If anything that would make her cooler than she is. I don’t know why I dislike her, but I do, even though she posts up pictures like this. There is just something irritating and dick riding about her…a model turned actress who probably should have died in the late 90s as a model because her boyfriend and her were part of the Heroin chic look, but who instead moved to La to become a cheesy fuck who I think was on a tv show for a wild, before breeding, and I guess when pics like this happen, I shouldn’t hate on her for trying since she is bottomless in a censored Titty our shoot. Something I encourage all women to do, even the ones I dislike for no real reason since I don’t actually know them because I live in Canada and have no reason to know them….I just post their smut like it is important in an era where there is so much better smut to post being produced daily from idiots who don’t think they are important cuz they aren’t, and are trying to be important cuz that’s what the people want. A taste of hollywood so they can be Jamie King too…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Jamie King is Pantsless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Jamie King is Pantsless of the Day

Sommer Ray Has a Weirdo Body of the Day

The most interesting thing about Sommer Ray, is not her massive social media audience from posting instagram altered slutty half naked pics, that people seem really into because of the big square butt… It’s her mom…52 year old SHANNON RAY Here are some Sommer Ray pics…even though she’s not her mom…some trashy florida looking biker trash ball of good times that looks like it could have once been a stripper, but who now owns a daughter who makes bank from instagram… The post Sommer Ray Has a Weirdo Body of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sommer Ray Has a Weirdo Body of the Day

Sara Sampaio Slutty Photoshoot for LUI magazine of the Day

I am sure we can all agree that women are slutty and provocative the second they have the opportunity to be slutty and provocative…whether that’s in the form of fucking the bowling team after bowling team practice or the football team in high school…or sending nudes to someone who asks properly.. Sure, not all women are hot, not all women are models, and now a days not all women have pussies, but I’m old school and think that all women, even the ones with PTSD from some traumatic childhood who have dicks but think they are women, have what it takes to get naked and filled…so long as they are made to feel comfortable and not insecure or teased about it. So here’s model Sara Sampaio of Portugal looking good for LUI…and by good, I mean like at trashy porn chick, but not one, thanks to Victoria’s Secret being her boss. These are for LUI magaizne, not quite hardcore enough but they still happened.. Where are the actual nudes…get nudes…be nudes…they coming…we hope…cuz they don’t cound if there’s no labia… The post Sara Sampaio Slutty Photoshoot for LUI magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sara Sampaio Slutty Photoshoot for LUI magazine of the Day

Rita Ora’s Artistic Bikini Pic of the Day

And people say Rita Ora is a garbage hooker who happens to sing well enough to get a fake record deal – to justify her work visa – so that the dudes who like fucking her don’t have to marry her for citizenship…that turned it into a fake it until you make it situation, where girl now hosts TV shows….while girl is basically a big titty ethnically ambiguous hooker – not a famous and talented artist…. And those people are me… But how could I discount her to that basic level of sex work, when she’s rich and accomplished and most importantly, has the ability to take these inspiring underwater bikini pictures from luxury travel experiences in the Maldives…. I mean sure all instagram hookers polarize hooking with these well shot bikini pics that are all the fucking same and they are all doing it but have these crazy followings because of it. Virtual no ones – with 2 million followers…it’s crazy… But Rita ORA…she’s different…because people know she exists – they just don’t know why… All this to say, the water makes her dumpiness float….camera tricks….that allow you to hashtag #notfiltered The post Rita Ora’s Artistic Bikini Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rita Ora’s Artistic Bikini Pic of the Day

The Reason You Haven’t Seen Sarah Michelle Gellar for 20 Years of the Day

Your girl Sarah Michelle Gellar is in some Entertainment Weekly 20 year reunion celebration of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a show I never watched or cared to watch, but that made a lot of people a lot of money, mainly because of teen girls, and I guess sad 30 year old girls…but more interestingly…virgin loser nerds who lived and still live in their mom’s basements….. Seriously, some of the weirdest, most socially awkward people I know or have known were religious fans of this shit..and I don’t fucking know why…but I know that Sarah Michelle Gellar looks like shit, like some French Canadian mom who smokes too many cigarettes with her pencil thin lips and rough looking mom face…this is not the face of a celebrity, but rather that of a tired Walmart cashier who struggles with her meth addiction everyday…because it’s a struggle people… I don’t know, this terrifies me…but reminds me that some things should be left in the past….and maybe she’s the vampire in need of being slayed….SLAY… The post The Reason You Haven’t Seen Sarah Michelle Gellar for 20 Years of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Reason You Haven’t Seen Sarah Michelle Gellar for 20 Years of the Day

Jenna Dewan Tatum’s See Through Shirt of the Day

Every girl is a feminist, even the ones that are perpetuating the patriarchy in starving themselves to meet some ideal that has been set for them, often times by other women, to not be fat pigs…and for some reason…are confusing being a fat big and empowered with feminism…when you’re just doing the same thing the skinny women are doing as they perpetuate the patriarchy…because that’s what you all want…the traditional sense or acceptance as being a hot chick…not a healthy or happy or successful or fulfilled chick…but a hot chick….and they think shifting the social norm to think hot chicks are defined differently than they were is not just perpetuating objectifying themselves…idiots.. But when feminism presents itself in fashion, by not wearing bras, by showing their nipples, as a Feminist, I celebrate them….but mainly as a pervert because this nipples out thing doesn’t progress shit, but it gives me tit to jerk off to… I once met Channing Tatum’s manager or agent in a bar, he told me that when he used to bring him scripts at his house, he’d be having “naked” parties with this woman he ended up marrying and knocking up….and he’d try to get the agent in on it with them…and as someone who likes nudity….looking at the nipple of someone who likes being nude…I’m just mad she’s not walking out mom pussy forward…exposed…and flapping in the wind…what a cunt…unfortunately…not literally. The post Jenna Dewan Tatum’s See Through Shirt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jenna Dewan Tatum’s See Through Shirt of the Day

Taylor Swift Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Taylor Swift posted some artistic ass shot of her running away from the camera from very far away in a bikini to either give you something to masturbate to while using your imagination, or to cock tease you, pretending she’s not a graphic as fuck fuck in the bedroom, who goes through men and women alike, but who represses all that in public, because it’s bad for the Christian market and kids she sells to, which is something I respect…it’s the old slut mentality, when being a slut was a classier, unspoken thing, before girls like Miley were spreading their assholes on stage for attention, cheapening the whole act of getting fucked cuz fucking is fun…Here is her ass from far enough that you don’t have to see all that is wrong with her…and that works for me…and you know that’s definitely not why she did it, because Taylor Swift, like all these other sluts, even the ones I have sex with, don’t notice me…thaks to the roofies.

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Taylor Swift Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Top Reason We’re Happy Scarlett Johannson is Pregnant of the Day

She already has a mom body. In the event you haven’t heard… Scarlett Johannson is 5 months pregnant and weirdos everywhere are celebrating or depressed because ever since Ghost World, Scarlett Johannson has been their fetish…despite being overrated as an actor and far too successful than she deserves. I tried to do a top 10 reasons why we’re happy Scarlett Johannson is pregnant, even though I know people who read this site are disillusioned weirdos who are probably upset about it because they think this dampens their non-existent chance in their fantasies…and all I could come up with is that she already has a dumpy overrated mom body.. Here’s some pics to celebrate the pregnancy and bring that point home… I am more into this NSFW Scarlett Johannson look-a-like having sex

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Top Reason We’re Happy Scarlett Johannson is Pregnant of the Day

Irina Shayk for V Magazine of the Day

Irina Shayk is rocking the pole in V magazine like some kind of Eastern European immigrant stripper. She is in a photo studio, a controlled pole dancing environment, with lighting kit and photographer, assistants, make-up artists. Totally far removed from being an actual stripper, you know, a place where they can laugh about actual strippers… But the reality is, she’s a poor Russian girl, who I guess made the right steps and took the right risks, who may not strip to pay the bills, at least not in a strip club like some single mother, she’s more into stripping for fashion… So what I see here, when they mock the pole dancers, is a career that shoulda been, and I Guess I find that exciting because strippers, even the ones with attitudes, have more tolerable egos than models who should have been strippers. Here are the pics.

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Irina Shayk for V Magazine of the Day