Isabel Fontana is a Brazilian model who started modeling at 13….and who was in Victoria’s Secret at 16, because Victoria’s Secret are sex offender, child pornographers, bringing minors to homes across America that men masturbate to, without making the girls prove they are 18, in what I call a flaw in the fucking system, you know hypcorisy where billion dollar companies are above the fucking law when they should be locked up like he perverts they are…..she’s also been in SI….and was listed in the top 20 top earning models…making her the kind of model you’d want to marry….at least that I’d want to marry….or just jerk off to..even now that she’s old…getting naked for LUI magazine… The post Isabeli Fontana Naked for Lui Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Isabeli Fontana Naked for Lui Magazine of the Day