Tag Archives: islands-if-only

Chelsea Handler Tits from an Early in her Career Sex Tape of the DAy

I’ve seen the Chelsea Handler show a few times, she’s kinda funny sometimes, at least she is for a few minutes before getting annoying as fuck…I generally don’t find funny bitches hot and Chelsea handler is definitely not hot…but she did shoot a sex tape when she was coming up, cuz that’s what whores desperate for fame do…. I know that most people on TV, have had to suck dick to get ahead. I know that it takes a lot of work, networking and hustle to get from being a useless waitress to hosting her own show. So this sex tape is hardly a surprise….I could tell she was a whore. I know that she probably doesn’t care, cuz her shit worked out for her, she doesn’t wait tables anymore and this sex tape is probably going to propel her to another level…. Unfortunately, RadarOnline is Sucking Egotastic dick and gave him the exclusive. I have had serious hatred for Egotastic over the years because it was my URL that I let some virgin loser web programmer register for me back when I didn’t know how to use a computer….6 months after I started this site, the motherfucker released that site, used his geek virgin nerd skills, stole my content and pictures, and got linked everywhere, cuz my site was too smutty. He ended up making millions off the shit, when he sold it to Buzz Media, while I still live in the same shithole apartment returning cans to buy beer, like the loser I fucking am, making everytime I visit that site a reminder how I fucked up and how I got fucked over, and how I could be living the good life in private islands if only I was a virgin loser… But since that cocksucker doesn’t own the shit anymore, I’ve decided to steal their tagged pictures, cuz there are tits in them…. I don’t even know if this is actually her… To Watch a clip from her sex tape of her practicing her shitty, obvious, boring stand-up,that didn’t get her famous cuz she had to suck dick to get there….Follow this link GO

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Chelsea Handler Tits from an Early in her Career Sex Tape of the DAy