Tag Archives: like-the-loser

Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev in Vintage Bikinis of the Day

It amazes me that certain players in Hollywood who are known creepers, which for the record is likely every dude in Hollywood, they didn’t get into the movie business to make the most money possible, these are smart Jewish business people, they got into it for ego, to get noticed, to be seen, to be envied, otherwise they’d work behind the scenes somewhere and fuck hot chicks who aren’t models or actresses… But the one player in Hollywood who I have heard the most stories from slutty girls I know or have met randomly – a guy who does blow off their assholes – sleeps 4 hours a day – is an aggressive fuck and who makes them sign contracts, and likely pays their rent for them to keep their mouths shut….is Seacrest…Julianne Hough’s ex boyfriend..making this mormon in her mormon bikini with her friend Nina Dobrev….in a mormon bikini….a dirty little mormon, even now that she’s married. Wild times. The post Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev in Vintage Bikinis of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Julianne Hough and Nina Dobrev in Vintage Bikinis of the Day

Lily Mo Sheen Bikini of the Day

Lily Mo Sheen is the daughter of Kate Beckinsale and Michael Sheen…and I guess the stepdaughter, and we like stepdaughters, of Sarah Silverman, which must be terribly irritating, since she’s like a disgusting farting dude… The amazing thing about Lily Mo Sheen, at least to the Kate Beckinsale fans, who always impress me with their loyalty and level of perversion, is that she’s a product of her praised by her fans mom, and like her mom doesn’t look her age, only unlike her mom, is 18 and not looking her age is fucking perverted even if it’s technically legal, it doesn’t make it right… The body’s too small…and you loving this, despite loving all things Beckinsale…is more perverted than all the times to jerk off to her mom… The post Lily Mo Sheen Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lily Mo Sheen Bikini of the Day

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Topless Mom Tits of the Day

Rosie Hungtington-Whitely, is the crowd favorite. The hottest British Model besides Kate Moss, and the main model to decide to try acting, in efforts to prove that Megan Fox was replaceable, making her a good time…but not as good of a Time as she’e been for Jason Strathem or whatever his name, the bald action figure girls find hot, because he’s fit and rich and bald, and not bald like the loser with the belly playing videogames who works at the Movie Theatre at 40…. She’s never been one to not be topless, and she’s topless again, in a shoot, this time post baby making, which in and of itself should be a crime, and not just to bodies and vaginas, but to the world, we’re overpopulated, and shedding uterus before filling it with a baby is just gross…parasitic…a horror movie… So now them tits are MOM tits… The post Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Topless Mom Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Topless Mom Tits of the Day

Chelsea Handler Tits from an Early in her Career Sex Tape of the DAy

I’ve seen the Chelsea Handler show a few times, she’s kinda funny sometimes, at least she is for a few minutes before getting annoying as fuck…I generally don’t find funny bitches hot and Chelsea handler is definitely not hot…but she did shoot a sex tape when she was coming up, cuz that’s what whores desperate for fame do…. I know that most people on TV, have had to suck dick to get ahead. I know that it takes a lot of work, networking and hustle to get from being a useless waitress to hosting her own show. So this sex tape is hardly a surprise….I could tell she was a whore. I know that she probably doesn’t care, cuz her shit worked out for her, she doesn’t wait tables anymore and this sex tape is probably going to propel her to another level…. Unfortunately, RadarOnline is Sucking Egotastic dick and gave him the exclusive. I have had serious hatred for Egotastic over the years because it was my URL that I let some virgin loser web programmer register for me back when I didn’t know how to use a computer….6 months after I started this site, the motherfucker released that site, used his geek virgin nerd skills, stole my content and pictures, and got linked everywhere, cuz my site was too smutty. He ended up making millions off the shit, when he sold it to Buzz Media, while I still live in the same shithole apartment returning cans to buy beer, like the loser I fucking am, making everytime I visit that site a reminder how I fucked up and how I got fucked over, and how I could be living the good life in private islands if only I was a virgin loser… But since that cocksucker doesn’t own the shit anymore, I’ve decided to steal their tagged pictures, cuz there are tits in them…. I don’t even know if this is actually her… To Watch a clip from her sex tape of her practicing her shitty, obvious, boring stand-up,that didn’t get her famous cuz she had to suck dick to get there….Follow this link GO

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Chelsea Handler Tits from an Early in her Career Sex Tape of the DAy

Katy Perry’s Breasts Make Bad Jokes in a Trashy Dress of the Day

I am not a fashionable person. I just know that when you put an LED lighting system in anything but your swimming pool, you’ve got no fucking taste, not that I ever thought Katy Perry was stylish or cool, she always kinda looked like a circus performer and the only thin interesting about her, or her dress is her breasts, even if they come with her ugly face making stupid Times Square Bomb jokes like the loser fuckin retard idiot that this cunt is…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Katy Perry’s Breasts Make Bad Jokes in a Trashy Dress of the Day