Tag Archives: issues-possibly

McKayla Maroney Bikini Pic of the Day

McKayla Maroney is a bit of a scam. Sure she won a Gold Medal by piggy backing on the skills of her Gymnastic team that I assume she got on because they needed one that didn’t look like a weird boxy muscular troll so that perverts everywhere would watch….something her stage mother, who probably acted as assistant coach, forcing her into this at a young age, seeing some natural talent and pushing hard as it was their window of opportunity…it was the way out…but I know nothing about Gymnastics other than cameltoes and cartwheels, so maybe she isn’t a scam on that American Hero Front…where I know she’s a scam is that at 18, she plays up and acts like a 12 year old, at least on social media…and the perverts love it because she’s a gymnast and has a body of a 12 year old….you know all virginal and shit…then her nudes drop..her constant flow of bikini pics drop…and her 18th birthday dropped and you know that her pre-mature, developmental issues possibly caused by hormone therapy must be a lie…and that this girl knows just what she’s doing and how to do it to seduce her way into relevance… So this bikini pic may be her pretending to be playful..but really it’s a cocktease…I can tell.

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McKayla Maroney Bikini Pic of the Day