Tag Archives: jenelley-evans

Jenelle Evans: Back in Rehab AGAIN!

Jenelle Evans is back in rehab, again. It’s been a rough few days. The trouble Teen Mom 2 star checked into a detox center last month and was released Friday, only to check back into a rehab facility after a tough few days. Her addiction to heroin is believed to be the root of the problem. “Jenelle was in great spirits before she went in,” says a source. “She is really hoping that she can get control of her life. She is bi-polar and she’s had a really hard time balancing the medication she needs for that.” It’s been a rough couple of months for Jenelle Evans , no doubt. To recap: She got married to Courtland Rogers out of the blue. They broke up over New Year’s Eve but reconciled. She got pregnant and they made a huge deal of it. He allegedly abused her, got drunk and left her. She was hospitalized and suffered a miscarriage. She reconnected with Gary Head, her ex-fiance. Head dumped her while she was in rehab. “She basically freaked out over all the crap in her life,” the source said. That’s putting it mildly. Says a friend of hers, “Jenelle was just partying and doing drugs and doing really stupid things with guys and she couldn’t stop.” Watching herself on Teen Mom 2 was also painful for Jenelle, and with the help of her mom Barbara, she decided that rehab was the best place for her. “Jenelle knows she needs help. She feels like $h!t when she does all the drugs and the guys treating her badly so she’s hoping this will really help her.” Here’s hoping. But is that just hoping against hope? Time will tell. In the meantime, you tell us: Can Jenelle get/stay clean?!   Yes. This time will be the charm. No. Too weak. Too many enablers. View Poll »

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Jenelle Evans: Back in Rehab AGAIN!