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The Vampire Diaries Spoilers: Flashbacks! Deaths! Sarah Salvatore!

Who will die? Who will merge? Who will swap spit? Who will… go to art school?!? Hours after The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 10 closed out the year for this CW drama, executive producer Julie Plec took to Twitter and at least made the upcoming hiatus a little more bearable for fans of the series. She ran through 16 (!!!!) tidbits, teases and spoilers for The Vampire Diaries Season 6 , which returns with new installments on Thursday, January 22. Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 10 Online Will Stefan and Caroline finally see each other naked? Who will we meet via flashback? Who will we meet in present day? Consider yourselves SPOILER WARNED and scroll down for a glance at what’s to come, courtesy of Plec’s Twitter feed… Two witches will merge (but will it be Kai and Jo or Liv and Luke?). We will meet the real Sarah Salvatore. Bonnie will return to present day Mystic Falls, but how will her experience have changed her? Via separate flashbacks, we’ll meet young Stefan and young Caroline. There will be “A LOT” of kissing… by more than one couple. “There will be a hook-up, a break-up, and a make-up. Not necessarily by the same couple.” There will be more than one death. Matt will receive a “life calling.” Tyler will take a “stand on behalf of his girl.” We’ll flashback to Damon in 1858. Stefan will “fix a friendship… and the some.” (Go ahead and cheer, Staroline shippers!) Elena will get a “proposition that could change her life forever.” Enzo will meet a girl. Jeremy Gilbert will apply to art school. For reals. Alaric will fall in “sweet sweet love.” Caroline will ponder the functionality of vampire blood (in terms of trying to save her mother, we presume). Which of these storylines has you most excited? Drool over the following cast photos and sound off below! The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Cast Photos 1. Ian Somerhalder Promo Pic Yes, Damon sort of died to end The Vampire Diaries Season 5. But Ian Somerhalder will still a key role going forward on The CW drama.

Read more from the original source:
The Vampire Diaries Spoilers: Flashbacks! Deaths! Sarah Salvatore!