Tag Archives: jersey-charity

A “Lil Positivity”: Jim Jones’ “Mommy” Gives Back To The Hood

Radio personality Egypt Sherrod held her second annual “Egypt’s Give Back Tour” in the New York/New Jersey area last week. And among the assortment of people who came out to show Egypt some love and support a great cause was none other than Mama Jones. Who knew she could take a break from being “physichotic”?? (That’s the word she made up on last night’s episode of “Love & Hip-Hop,” in case you missed it. It describes the mind set one is in right before they become psychotic. And yes, it was inspired by a typo.) “Egypt’s Give Back Tour” provides coats and toys to families in need for the holidays. More pics from this year’s “Tour” below.

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A “Lil Positivity”: Jim Jones’ “Mommy” Gives Back To The Hood