Tag Archives: jones-supports

RihRih Gets Kushed Up And Goes Drizzy H.A.M. On Twitter Talking About Skrippers And Getting Back Into Her Freakum Bikini

Wasn’t this ho sposed to be on 24-hour-watch or something??? A concerned fan hit us up about Rih Rih’s Twitter timeline concerned she might be talking about what she went through with Breezy because of this tweet: We instantly recognized she was quoting Drake’s song “Practice” off his new album Take Care and that her timeline was full of the lyrics… among other things. Considering that Rihanna reportedly suffered a recent breakdown these tweets had us wondering — just who exactly is keeping watch on this broad? Read the tweets for yourself to decide if she’s just having a good time, or crying out for help.

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RihRih Gets Kushed Up And Goes Drizzy H.A.M. On Twitter Talking About Skrippers And Getting Back Into Her Freakum Bikini

A “Lil Positivity”: Jim Jones’ “Mommy” Gives Back To The Hood

Radio personality Egypt Sherrod held her second annual “Egypt’s Give Back Tour” in the New York/New Jersey area last week. And among the assortment of people who came out to show Egypt some love and support a great cause was none other than Mama Jones. Who knew she could take a break from being “physichotic”?? (That’s the word she made up on last night’s episode of “Love & Hip-Hop,” in case you missed it. It describes the mind set one is in right before they become psychotic. And yes, it was inspired by a typo.) “Egypt’s Give Back Tour” provides coats and toys to families in need for the holidays. More pics from this year’s “Tour” below.

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A “Lil Positivity”: Jim Jones’ “Mommy” Gives Back To The Hood