Tag Archives: kush chronicles

Kush Chronic-les: Survey Says, New York Has A Record High Number of Piff-Puffin’ Teens!!!

A new survey shows most numbers are up when it comes to teens and that mary jane , drinking, and more. Looks like that stick-icky is being bought by teenager’s more often than we thought. While Mayor Bloomberg is trying to make the whole city healthy, our kids are going to pot! The percentage of city teens who get high on weed jumped to 17.7 percent last year — by far the highest rate during Hizzoner’s 10-year tenure, according to a new health survey obtained by The Post. The blunt figure is up from the 12.3 percent who smoked weed in 2005. “Every kid my age does it, but it is not a good thing,’’ said Catherine Reyes, 16, of Brooklyn. “They can end up in bad situations.” The boost in marijuana use was just one of the alarming findings in the biannual youth-risk behavior survey put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… The same report also found that nearly a third of underage teens drink booze. In another blow to the health-conscious “Nanny’’ Bloomberg, the statistics show that many city kids are big couch potatoes, too. More than one in four — 28 percent — are overweight or obese, and 21 percent still drink sugary soda, although that’s down from 28 percent in 2005… Part of teens’ problem is 80 percent don’t get the recommended 60 minutes of daily exercise. Nearly six in 10 kids said they don’t have daily gym class in school. In New York, it’s not a requirement in high school. Half of the teens surveyed don’t even ride a bike. Instead, 44 percent play video games or surf the Web for fun on school days, and 38 percent watch more than three hours of TV daily…For many teens, sex seems to be their only physical activity. Nearly 38 percent said they’ve already had sexual intercourse — almost half before age 13. Despite the findings, a Health Department rep insisted, “New York City youth remain in better shape than their peers around the country when it comes to physical education and obesity, as well as rates of alcohol and illicit drug abuse.” Tell us what you think about youngins these days tokin’ at such an early age? Soucre Images via littleny / Shutterstock.com

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Kush Chronic-les: Survey Says, New York Has A Record High Number of Piff-Puffin’ Teens!!!

Kush Chronic-les: British Billionaire Richard Branson Attends White House Dinner And Asks Obama To “Light One Up”

Richard Branson don’t give no fawks! The White House held its fancy state dinner this week, inviting lots of big-wig donors, and dignitaries to dine with the first family and Prime Minister David Cameron. Naturally, billionaire head of Virgin Atlantic, Richard Branson, was there too. But what did the brash billionaire do when he got a few seconds of facetime with Obama? He asked him if he could have some “tweed”. At least that is what he told those gathered at the offices of The Atlantic magazine. Patrick Gavin at Politico has the report: “I asked him if I could have a spliff,” businessman and Virgin Group honcho Richard Branson told a crowd gathered at The Atlantic’s Washington offices Thursday, the day after attending the dinner for British Prime Minister David Cameron. “But they didn’t have any,” Branson continued, according to a video of the event as he recalled his effort to procure some drugs the night before at the White House. Can’t even hate on him! We’re sure Obama gave him the wink and kept the party going. Source More On Bossip! Underrated Cakes: The Ladies With The Backs You Might’ve Mistakenly Missed Out On! Forbidden Fruit: A List Of Celebrities Who Were Spotted Playing Freaky Kissy Face With Family Members Nicki Minaj Flossin’ Her Cakes In A Pink ‘Kini On The Beaches Of Hawaii For New Music Video Solange Knowles Keeps Her Natural Hair, Vintage, Hippy, Hella Colorful Steez Alive On The Cover Of Time Out New York Magazine

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Kush Chronic-les: British Billionaire Richard Branson Attends White House Dinner And Asks Obama To “Light One Up”

RihRih Gets Kushed Up And Goes Drizzy H.A.M. On Twitter Talking About Skrippers And Getting Back Into Her Freakum Bikini

Wasn’t this ho sposed to be on 24-hour-watch or something??? A concerned fan hit us up about Rih Rih’s Twitter timeline concerned she might be talking about what she went through with Breezy because of this tweet: We instantly recognized she was quoting Drake’s song “Practice” off his new album Take Care and that her timeline was full of the lyrics… among other things. Considering that Rihanna reportedly suffered a recent breakdown these tweets had us wondering — just who exactly is keeping watch on this broad? Read the tweets for yourself to decide if she’s just having a good time, or crying out for help.

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RihRih Gets Kushed Up And Goes Drizzy H.A.M. On Twitter Talking About Skrippers And Getting Back Into Her Freakum Bikini