Tag Archives: jessica-jane clement

Jennifer Lawrence’s Booty Denial

I didn’t see it, but apparently Jennifer Lawrence was on Letterman the other night, to set the record straight about some unflattering paparazzi pictures of her in a bikini, joking that she must’ve been either Photoshopped or bloated. And since I like Jennifer, and I also like any excuse to research booty pictures, I went and found some more of her for comparison’s sake. Sure, these are a little old, but they’re no different looking than the one Letterman showed. Hey, the first step towards fixing something is overcoming denial. » view all 11 photos Related Articles: Jennifer Lawrence Stretches Out Her Shirt Jennifer Lawrence’s Tasty Front Meat Jennifer Lawrence Pumps It For Me Jennifer Lawrence Bikini Pictures For Thanksgiving Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Jennifer Lawrence’s Booty Denial

Jessica-Jane Clement Busts Out Big Time

I was a little confused when I saw these pictures of British hottie Jessica-Jane Clement at the UK premiere of Flight the other evening. Hasn’t that movie been out for months already? Either way though, even if England does get our Denzel Washington movies a couple weeks late, they also get treated to cleavage like this from Jessica-Jane on a regular basis. I wonder if they’d be willing to trade next time. I’d even toss in some popcorn to sweeten the pot. » view all 14 photos Related Articles: Jessica Jane Clement Picture Moment Jessica Jane Clement Is Awesome Jessica-Jane Clement Breasts Are Perfection Jessica-Jane Clement Is Too Hot For Meo Photos: WENN.com , Fameflynet

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Jessica-Jane Clement Busts Out Big Time

Jessica Jane Clement Big Titties in Nuts May 2012 of the Day

Jessica Jane Clement has big tits…..and that’s all I have to say about that….cuz let’s face it that’s all she really has going for her. So much for that being all I had to say about that….I am about to jump into a rant that’s better left squashed….since no one reads this shit anyway….so look at the pics you retard….they are hot….

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Jessica Jane Clement Big Titties in Nuts May 2012 of the Day

Jessica Jane Clement Christmas Titties of the Day

Here’s Galmour Model Jessica Jane Clement in some photoshoot showing off her big fake tits…because I guess that’s the whole reason she bought them….unless these are real tits, in some freak of nature, hormone in the food, lived under the power lines shit…or living next to the nuclear plant amazingness you see on 13 year old girls at the mall buying bras….puberty at 7 shit…..

See the original post here:
Jessica Jane Clement Christmas Titties of the Day