Tag Archives: jimmy-clausen

Jimmy Clausen T-Shirt Hypes National Championship Game as "Catholics vs. Cousins"

Jimmy Clausen has made very few headlines as the backup quarterback for the Carolina Panthers. But the former Notre Dame star changed all that today when he Tweeted a photo of the shirt he plans to wear during the January 7 National Title game between his alma mater and Alabama. Check it out for yourself: Yes, Notre Dame is a Catholic university. We doubt he’ll receive much flak for that label. But referring to the school’s opponents as “cousins?” It’s hard not to wonder how some southern folks might feel about that. So you tell us, southern folks! What do you think of the Catholics. vs. Cousins t-shirt?   It’s hilarious! It’s inappropriate! View Poll »

See original here:
Jimmy Clausen T-Shirt Hypes National Championship Game as "Catholics vs. Cousins"