Tag Archives: job-immediately

#BlackLivesMatter: 18 Arrested During Philando Castile Protests In Minnesota’s Twin Cities

Image via Getty/David Mbiyu Not Guilty Verdict In Philando Castile Case Sparks Protest And Arrests The news of Philando Castile’s killer, Jeronimo Yanez, being found not guilty of manslaughter set off night-long protests in St. Paul. 2,000 people flooded the streets of St. Paul and 1,500 of those are said to have blocked I-94 according to a report by TwinCities . Police officers issued warnings that anyone standing on the interstate would be arrested. About an hour after that warning, officers began fitting angry citizens with handcuffs and carting them off, 18 people in total. 40 people are gathered outside Governor's Mansion on Summit Ave. Playing banjo, harmonica, talking. #PhilandoCastile pic.twitter.com/Bu9tOCnI9v — Mara Gottfried (@MaraGottfried) June 17, 2017 Some folks took their grievances to the Governor’s mansion in the early hours of the morning. Minneapolis resident outside Governor's Mansion was looking for a place to listen to people who were also concerned about verdict. pic.twitter.com/CpIfLFbyHS — Mara Gottfried (@MaraGottfried) June 17, 2017 An ABCNews report states that Jeronimo Yanez was fired from his job immediately after he was found not guilty. Another day, another slap in the face. SMH.

See the article here:
#BlackLivesMatter: 18 Arrested During Philando Castile Protests In Minnesota’s Twin Cities