Brooklyn Nine-Nine premiered tonight on Fox, introducing Andy Samberg to the television universe as a goofy/cocky detective and Andre Braugher as his stern, non-nonsense new captain. Did the comedy come out shooting blanks? Or were its jokes on target? Thanks to a couple of perfectly-cast leads, as well as creators also responsible for Parks and Recreation , most critics have pegged Brooklyn Nine-Nine as the best new comedy of the fall TV season – and it’s easy to see why. The police station provides a unique setting for a sitcom and the reveal of Braugher’s character as gay lends the series an unusual level of gravitas, one this veteran actor is undoubtedly up for. Oh, right, the show is also funny! There’s clear chemistry between Samberg and Braugher, while there’s clear potential in the supporting cast: Joe Lo Truglio as a clumsy grinder; Chelsea Peretti as a quirky civilian aide; Melissa Fumero as Jake’s rival partner and possible love interest and rival; and Stephanie Beatriz as a very serious fellow cop. With Michael Schur and Dan Goor behind the camera, there’s no reason not to believe the series won’t simply grow funnier as various characters are fleshed out. Did you catch the Brooklyn Nine-Nine opener? Grade it now: A B C D F View Poll »
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine Premiere: Grade It!