Tag Archives: joshua-morse

Lord of the Rings’ dwarf warrior says no to Hobbit movie

There’s a lot of speculation about who will/won’t be in the proposed Lord of the Rings prequel, The Hobbit. Will Ian McKellen be back? Who will play Bilbo?

Read more from the original source:
Lord of the Rings’ dwarf warrior says no to Hobbit movie

10 Incredibly Surprising Original Casting Choices

For whatever reason, thank god the original pick didn’t work!

See more here:
10 Incredibly Surprising Original Casting Choices

Happy Halloween: OverClocked ReMix Does Castlevania!

OverClocked ReMix today released its 16th album, Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned. The album consists of seven arrangements of original themes from Konami’s legendary Castlevania franchise.

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Happy Halloween: OverClocked ReMix Does Castlevania!