I guess Sofia Richie felt it was important to jack her flesh colored bikini, yes I know it’s yellow and she’s not Asian, but when you mix blood and get these people addicted to spray tans, everyone is in black face…even the part black people….like this one… Thanks to the light bikini color you can see her uterus, you know full Pussy definition, the same Pussy she uses to fuck the Kardashian baby daddy who gives her some relevance of her own….rather than living in her dads shadow even if she uses her dads money. It’s Christmas and Christmas is for family even when your family is garbage money grubbing pigs who have ruined society with their muppet faces.. But check out that pussy definition. Here she is with her boyfriends baby mother Kourntey Kardashian JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Sofia Richie Pussy Print of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Is this one the Tom Brady wife, or sis he buy the other Hooker from Brazil shopped here from the people at Victoria’s Secret, allowing her to retire gracefully before looking like the 40 year old hanging onto her bikini model life… like this one…you know forced to work for ego, for some money, for a mall brand because for whatever reason she got famous and relevant…and at this age…it’s more that she looks good for 40 but the cut off age for a bikini is 30 so not quite sure what she’s doing here but it’s pretty fucking bold…. I guess it’s Christmas…and that’s why she’s wearing a candy Cane bikini….looking her age but better than others her age and I guess in this era of inclusivity that’s what it’s about… I like her tattoo from when she was a teen 40 years ago…it’s turned green like an old sailer you meet at the bar….only in tramp stamp location. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Alessandra Ambrosio Nude Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Offset Arrested Outside Atlanta Offset may end up spending some time away from his wife Cardi and their newborn baby girl Kulture. According to TMZ , the rapper was pulled over by officers while riding around on the outskirts of Atlanta for an improper lane change. Upon stopping Offset, cops realized that his tints were darker than the legal limit, then for whatever reason (like they need one) began searching the vehicle and discovered a firearm. Big problem for Offset, as he’s a three-time felon and not permitted to carry a weapon. He was hit with two felony charges — possession of a firearm by a felon and possession of a weapon during a crime. He also has two misdemeanors for good measure: possession of marijuana (under one ounce) and the improper lane change that started this whole mess. SMH, we hope he has good legal representation. He has a newlywed wife, a newborn baby , and a Summer/Fall tour with Drake to tend to… Getty/WENN
Leonard Roberts Talks New Space Comedy On Brown Sugar A new comedy reimagines futuristic space travel through the perspective of 1970s era Blaxploitation. “BlackStar Warrior” tells the story of Tyson Roderick, a space traveler, who along with his robot sidekick, Lava, try to unravel the mystery of where he came from and why he’s just so freaking amazing. And its star Leonard Roberts told us that the show’s over the top premise allowed him to go all out. “It gave me permission to go full out, because we had authenticity at both ends,” Roberts said. “For whatever reason, Those types roles don’t often just cross my desk, so it was cool to just jump in with both feet and have a ball with it.” Peep the show’s trailer above. “BlackStar Warrior” premieres June 24 on Bounce TV’s streaming service, “Brown Sugar.”
The highlight of Chantel Jeffries is her willingness to put herself out there, you know to be vulnerable in this world, to face her fears and just let her soul out for people to really get inspired by her and all she has done for the world…. And by that I mean…her willingness to go to trendy places she knows the paparazzi are at…in see through shirts to show the world or whoever is looking her tits…because even in this feminist world we live in…TITS GET HITS… You may ask who is Chantel Jeffries…..well she’s a very important bootleg Kardashian, someone inspired by that movement and who wanted a taste of that life, so she took provocative pics of herself on social media and jacked up her face with fillers…allowing her to become the instagram girl who Bieber got arrested with and who probably books campaigns for all her followers and who exists….while trying to become a party girl DJ….it’s an angle instagrammers take to have real purpose off instagram… But what it all comes back to is her willingness to put her tits out there…cuz we like tits. Inspiring. The post Chantel Jeffries Nipples Look for Attention of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Kim Kardashian brought out her new mom body, because I assume someone is paying her to be out here, and since she’s a new mom, that’s a solid angle for her…. But then again, this is Kim Kardashian and her whole existence has been about being a shameless exhibitionist who forces her disgusting troll body on us, and the people for some reason bought into it. I sometimes consider Kim Kardashian my business partner, not because I knew the girl who ran her social media, before getting the job running her social media company, who was in the right place at the right time, but more importantly, WHO SENT ME NUDES…. But because I got a sales commission while pushing her sex tape, I probably didn’t make much off it, but I don’t make much in general, but I did make something off it…something like 10% of everyone sold, so in a way I feel like a sales agent who helped perpetuate her disgusting…but I will say that sex tape was her best work and I stand by my work in pushing it on the people…because I didn’t give her a TV show out of it, or a career as a social media AVON LADY who sells every shitty product she’s paid to….I was trying very hard to reduce her to the whore that she was….the unprotected sex having whore that she was….but NO ONE listened and instead turned it into an empire that I’m sure most girls who fuck on camera wish could happen to them, rather than being slotted as a whore that they are….it’s some hollywood magic… I don’t know why she’s naked and wet on the beach, or why her ass is so big and terrifying…and thus something people like staring at, paying, or sucking up to… I don’t know why she’s had the success she’s had, and still has, or why people are so braindead to run when the naked monster comes running… She’s doing it…still…at 40…terrifying as fuck…but at least on person, likely a black person, is jerking off to this…and that black person isn’t Kanye, he’s too gay for that….hence the whole surrogate thing…it was a “i don’t wanna stick my dick in you, can’t you pay a girl to turkey baste herself, think about how damaging pregnancy is to your camel of a body you fucking farm animal, you still have naked wet on the beach shoots in you, even though you look 18 months pregnant, that’s the gestation period of an elephant you know, do it for yourself and do it for my homosexuality”…. I think I’ve said enough…here are the pics…clickbait for everyone involved. The post Kim Kardashian’s Disgusting See Through Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
I know what you’re thinking today….WHAT IS SARAH HYLAND UP TO?! Well you’re in luck…. Along with supporting some loser homosexual disney looking kid from the early 2000s who is an aspiring radio host like some kind of Seacrest…you know giving him a name, some attention, doing the best PR he’s ever had and has spent years trying to get while living in hollywood and lurking places Hollywood people go to get one of them sad, lonely, weak, easy to manipulate enough to let them in… She’s also been trying to be hot, jacking up her lips, rocking the weird face because she’s genetically off for whatever reason…. All while creeping me the fuck out….because she has been creeping me the fuck out since I first heard of her….and now I watch her vlogs or INSTAGRAM stories to terrify me before bed sometimes… Last night’s involved her doing a taco bell / junk food run because if her mooch boyfriend has his way, she’s pregnant…and Here she is telling her fans she ate too much Taco Bell and Chocolate – because she’s a vlogger….and it’s weird… Here’s her cleavage…at the SAG awards she likely brought her MOOCH boyfriend to….because he’s relevant now…thanks to being her door mat, support system, sidekick, suck up proper to K-Fed her… Here she is at the women’s march, despite showing her cleavage for attention, because she’s an empowered woman….we think…we’re not sure she’s human really…I mean to mean it’s straight up alien…. The post Sarah Hyland Cleavage of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Lily Rose Depp is a bit of a “hipster” if that term even exists anymore, I mean everyone is doing the whole half naked, act like an artist, wear vintage clothes, mixed with designer clothes, look like you smoke cigarettes at coffee shops drinking pretentious cocktails, in trying to find your place and purpose…. And I am a fan of all she does… Likely, a terrible spoiled brat, likely this independent weirdo thanks to her parents encouraging her to follow her dreams, because they were too busy getting drunk and beating up Amber Heard for being a cunt…making her neglected, but connected, appreciated by the masses because of her last name…and for whatever reason, a reason I call, she’s got a good look…I am a fan. This is her topless shoot for no reason, I like the tear…nice reference to Cry Baby, or showcase of her inner torment and ability to cry on demand to get what she wants like most spoiled girls… I am sure there will be more.. Here are some pics of her and her friends on vacation at the Dad’s private Island in Exuma Bahamas.. She’s good. The post Lily Rose Depp The Topless Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
Heidi Klum pulled out her tits in some Fashion Magazine for what we can assume is feminism, or disguised as feminism, because why else would a woman in her 50s be showing other women in a women’s magazine her tits, other than to say “pull out your tits it is empowering”…. I mean otherwise it’s just clickbait, tits get hits, I mean she could have very easily had her shirt on…but for whatever reason, she’s pulling her tit out… I am going to assume that since it’s a women’s magazine, it’s actually designed to show off to other women who are in their 50s, that they aren’t as hot as Heidi Klum, this is her bragging, giving other women her age and younger a complex, while re-affirming to herself that she’s hot, and capable of fucking other dudes, all thanks to German Genetic programs that Hitler instilled in the 40s, creating her genetic line…because ultimately…she makes no sense… I think it’s safe to say that this is women, objectifying women, to fuck with the minds of other women, in hopes of getting them to buy into bullshit products they don’t need….because that keeps the system working… But blame it on men and their raping…BLAME it on that….. Thanks for the tits. The post Heidi Klum’s Eugenics Nipples for Harpers Bazaar appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .