Tag Archives: homosexuality

Kim Kardashian’s Disgusting See Through Dress of the Day

Kim Kardashian brought out her new mom body, because I assume someone is paying her to be out here, and since she’s a new mom, that’s a solid angle for her…. But then again, this is Kim Kardashian and her whole existence has been about being a shameless exhibitionist who forces her disgusting troll body on us, and the people for some reason bought into it. I sometimes consider Kim Kardashian my business partner, not because I knew the girl who ran her social media, before getting the job running her social media company, who was in the right place at the right time, but more importantly, WHO SENT ME NUDES…. But because I got a sales commission while pushing her sex tape, I probably didn’t make much off it, but I don’t make much in general, but I did make something off it…something like 10% of everyone sold, so in a way I feel like a sales agent who helped perpetuate her disgusting…but I will say that sex tape was her best work and I stand by my work in pushing it on the people…because I didn’t give her a TV show out of it, or a career as a social media AVON LADY who sells every shitty product she’s paid to….I was trying very hard to reduce her to the whore that she was….the unprotected sex having whore that she was….but NO ONE listened and instead turned it into an empire that I’m sure most girls who fuck on camera wish could happen to them, rather than being slotted as a whore that they are….it’s some hollywood magic… I don’t know why she’s naked and wet on the beach, or why her ass is so big and terrifying…and thus something people like staring at, paying, or sucking up to… I don’t know why she’s had the success she’s had, and still has, or why people are so braindead to run when the naked monster comes running… She’s doing it…still…at 40…terrifying as fuck…but at least on person, likely a black person, is jerking off to this…and that black person isn’t Kanye, he’s too gay for that….hence the whole surrogate thing…it was a “i don’t wanna stick my dick in you, can’t you pay a girl to turkey baste herself, think about how damaging pregnancy is to your camel of a body you fucking farm animal, you still have naked wet on the beach shoots in you, even though you look 18 months pregnant, that’s the gestation period of an elephant you know, do it for yourself and do it for my homosexuality”…. I think I’ve said enough…here are the pics…clickbait for everyone involved. The post Kim Kardashian’s Disgusting See Through Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kim Kardashian’s Disgusting See Through Dress of the Day

When You Bang Leonardo DiCaprio You Land Vogue Beauty of the Day

Here’s a pretty simple mathematical equation for you… Big Titty Published Once Model Kelly Rohrbach + Sex or Fake Sex To Hide His Homosexuality with Leonardo DiCaprio = Landing Baywatch Movie and leveraging that to a Vogue Spread…because now you fucking matter and all it took was a little fucking or the illusion of fucking… Make fucking fucking count girls…and be like this whore Kelly Rohrbach…in Vogue Beauty..lookin’ all big titty and modeling.. The post When You Bang Leonardo DiCaprio You Land Vogue Beauty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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When You Bang Leonardo DiCaprio You Land Vogue Beauty of the Day

When You Bang Leonardo DiCaprio You Land Vogue Beauty of the Day

Here’s a pretty simple mathematical equation for you… Big Titty Published Once Model Kelly Rohrbach + Sex or Fake Sex To Hide His Homosexuality with Leonardo DiCaprio = Landing Baywatch Movie and leveraging that to a Vogue Spread…because now you fucking matter and all it took was a little fucking or the illusion of fucking… Make fucking fucking count girls…and be like this whore Kelly Rohrbach…in Vogue Beauty..lookin’ all big titty and modeling.. The post When You Bang Leonardo DiCaprio You Land Vogue Beauty of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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When You Bang Leonardo DiCaprio You Land Vogue Beauty of the Day

Samantha Gradoville and Holly Rose for Some Magazine of the Day

Samantha Gradoville is a model…who shows her tits when she’s not working for evil corporations who pay her a lot of money, but who don’t make her show off her tits, even though she is willing to show off her tits, because they are big box brands, and tits are bad for their mall dwelling audience….but at least the money doesn’t take her from her roots, and she still manages to show her tits, because the day she decides she doesn’t need to go topless to get ahead – is a day freedom has been attacked…like it was France…and this was a daily Satirical magazine that made jokes against Muslims…in what to the outsider who likes making fun of everything, just seems fucking horrible…but what isn’t horrible…are these tits…they get us through the hard and confusing times…unless those hard and confusing tines are dealing with our homosexuality, in which case…they don’t matter…but you get what I mean.

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Samantha Gradoville and Holly Rose for Some Magazine of the Day

Would You Date Someone Who Used To Be Gay? [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]

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Will anyone for that matter. Listen to us talk about this St. Louis man who set the Internet on fire. Would you date someone who…

Would You Date Someone Who Used To Be Gay? [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO]

Race Matters: TIME Magazine Writer Pens Op-Ed Telling White Gay Men To Stop Acting Like Sassy Black Women

Dear White Gays : Stop Stealing Black Female Culture… Time Magazine Writer Tells Gay White Men To Stop Acting Like Black Women Via Time Magazine reports: You are not a black woman, and you do not get to claim either blackness or womanhood. There is a clear line between appreciation and appropriation I need some of you to cut it the hell out. Maybe, for some of you, it’s a presumed mutual appreciation for Beyoncé and weaves that has you thinking that I’m going to be amused by you approaching me in your best “Shanequa from around the way” voice. I don’t know. What I do know is that I don’t care how well you can quote Madea, who told you that your booty was getting bigger than hers, how cute you think it is to call yourself a strong black woman, who taught you to twerk, how funny you think it is to call yourself Quita or Keisha or for which black male you’ve been bottoming — you are not a black woman, and you do not get to claim either blackness or womanhood. It is not yours. It is not for you. White people are not racially oppressed in the United States of America. Nothing about whiteness will get a white person in trouble the way blackness can get a black person shot down in his tracks. These are just facts. It’s not entirely the fault of white people. It’s not as if you can help being born white in America, any more than I can help being born black in America. The truth is that America is a country that operates on systems of racism in which we all participate, whether consciously or unconsciously, to our benefit or to our detriment, and that system allows white people to succeed. This system also creates barriers so that minorities, such as black people, have a much harder time being able to do things like vote and get houses and not have to deal with racists and stuff. You know. Casual. At the end of the day, if you are a white male, gay or not, you retain so much privilege. What is extremely unfairly denied you because of your sexuality could float back to you, if no one knew that you preferred the romantic and sexual company of men over women. (You know what I’m talking about. Those “anonymous” torsos on Grindr, Jack’d and Adam4Adam, show very familiar heterosexual faces to the public.) The difference is that the black women with whom you think you align so well, whose language you use and stereotypical mannerisms you adopt, cannot hide their blackness and womanhood to protect themselves the way that you can hide your homosexuality. We have no place to hide, or means to do it even if we desired them. All of this being said, you should not have to stop liking the things you like. This is not an attempt to try to suck the fun out of your life. Appreciating a culture and appropriating one are very, very different things, with a much thicker line than some people think, if you use all of the three seconds it takes to be considerate before you open your mouth. If you love some of the same things that some black women love, by all means, you and your black girlfriends go ahead and rock the hell out. Regardless of what our privileges and lack of privileges are, regardless of the laws and rhetoric that have attempted to divide us, we are equal, even though we aren’t the same, and that is okay. Claiming our identity for what’s sweet without ever having to taste its sour is not. Breathing fire behind ugly stereotypes that reduce black females to loud caricatures for you to emulate isn’t, either. So, you aren’t a strong black woman, or a ghetto girl, or any of that other foolery that some of you with trash Vine accounts try to be. It’s okay. You don’t have to be. No one asked you to be. You weren’t ever meant to be. What you can be, however, is part of the solution. Check your privilege. Try to strengthen the people around you. Discuss…..

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Race Matters: TIME Magazine Writer Pens Op-Ed Telling White Gay Men To Stop Acting Like Sassy Black Women

Vintage DL: Robert De Niro Reveals That His Father Was Gay

Wow… Robert De Niro Reveals His Father’s Homosexuality In a new documentary film Robert De Niro is producing on the life of his deceased father, the Oscar-winning actor reveals the secret that led to his parents’ split when he was only 3 years old. Via RadarOnline : Robert De Niro says his father was gay. The legendary actor makes the personal revelation in an upcoming documentary which he “felt obligated” to make about the late artist Robert De Niro Sr., who died 21 years ago after a bout with cancer. “It was my responsibility to make a documentary about him,” the Taxi Driver star tells OUT magazine, admitting a pang of regret over the wall of silence surrounding his patriarch. “I was not aware, much, of it. I wish we had spoken about it much more — my mother didn’t want to talk about things in general, and you’re not interested when you’re a certain age.” The Cape Fear star, whose parents split when he was just 3-years-old, said he figured his father probably had inner turmoil over his sexuality, due to the social climate of his day, “being from that generation, especially from a small town upstate.” Goes to prove that Black gay men are NOT the only ones down-low living ! It’s great that De Niro is working through his own issues with the information and telling his father’s story…but if that was something he wanted hidden in life, should it be revealed in death? Photo: YouTube

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Vintage DL: Robert De Niro Reveals That His Father Was Gay

Arizona Senator Steve Gallardo Announces He Is Gay

Arizona State Senator Steve Gallardo felt compelled to reveal his homosexuality in the midst of his state’s war over Senate Bill 1062. The recently vetoed bill would have allowed privately owned businesses to discriminate against gay patrons at their own religious discretion…. Continue

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Arizona Senator Steve Gallardo Announces He Is Gay

Arizona Senator Steve Gallardo Announces He Is Gay

Arizona State Senator Steve Gallardo felt compelled to reveal his homosexuality in the midst of his state’s war over Senate Bill 1062. The recently vetoed bill would have allowed privately owned businesses to discriminate against gay patrons at their own religious discretion…. Continue

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Arizona Senator Steve Gallardo Announces He Is Gay

Evander Holyfield’s Son Defends Father: He Loves Gays!

Evander Holyfield may have made his living as a professional fighter, but son Ewin says his dad is really just a lover. Yes, even of gay people. The ex-Heavyweight Champion made headlines over the weekend when he said on UK Celebrity Big Brother that homosexuality is a handicap that can be fixed by a physician. Evander Holyfield Slams Homosexuality as a “Handicap” But Ewin Holyfield tells TMZ that his father is deeply religious and was merely expressing a biblical belief. “My dad is the most loving and caring person you will ever meet. He treats everyone like a human being … even if they are homosexual,” Ewin says , adding that he has a gay uncle who gets along very well with Evander and concluding: “My dad feels that being gay is a choice … and naturally that’s how things work. “You cannot procreate and make a baby with two women, or two men. But at the same time, my dad is not going to judge someone for their sexual orientation.” Again, it’s worth noting that Evander Holyfield has TWELVE KIDS by SIX WOMEN and has been divorced three times. As he contemplates the controversy drummed up by his Big Brother remarks, perhaps Holyfield can go find a few passages in the bible that talk about those topics as well.

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Evander Holyfield’s Son Defends Father: He Loves Gays!