Tag Archives: instagram-girl

Bailee MyKell Nude Shower Instagram Photoshoot of the DAy

Bailee MyKell is in this very very important instagram photoshoot…to promote her very very important acting career…that you can tell she takes very seriously like the artist that she is…because obviously the only person who could creative direct a shoot like this…would be nothing but art… I know when look at this shoot you think “but that’s like every other shoot I’ve seen an instagram girl do”…naked in the bath…much like the photo storyboard I did on film back in the late 80s for a film class that was about a girl getting raped…because I was so ahead of the curve and never anticipated a time when every single woman would be naked in photos…it used to be hard to find girls to do this..now there are so many girls doing this….that it’s played the fuck out… I still like it though….played out or not….no one is naked enough…

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Bailee MyKell Nude Shower Instagram Photoshoot of the DAy

Chantel Jeffries Nipples Look for Attention of the Day

The highlight of Chantel Jeffries is her willingness to put herself out there, you know to be vulnerable in this world, to face her fears and just let her soul out for people to really get inspired by her and all she has done for the world…. And by that I mean…her willingness to go to trendy places she knows the paparazzi are at…in see through shirts to show the world or whoever is looking her tits…because even in this feminist world we live in…TITS GET HITS… You may ask who is Chantel Jeffries…..well she’s a very important bootleg Kardashian, someone inspired by that movement and who wanted a taste of that life, so she took provocative pics of herself on social media and jacked up her face with fillers…allowing her to become the instagram girl who Bieber got arrested with and who probably books campaigns for all her followers and who exists….while trying to become a party girl DJ….it’s an angle instagrammers take to have real purpose off instagram… But what it all comes back to is her willingness to put her tits out there…cuz we like tits. Inspiring. The post Chantel Jeffries Nipples Look for Attention of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Chantel Jeffries Nipples Look for Attention of the Day