Tag Archives: julius-caesar

Kit Harington: DEFINITELY Returning to Game of Thrones!

Yesterday, we reported on a potentially massive Game of Thrones spoiler that now seems to have been confirmed. Sources are claiming that Jon Snow actor Kit Harington is definitely in Belfast filming episodes for the sixth season of Game of Thrones. TMZ is reporting that production insiders say this isn’t some True Detective-style fake-out : Jon did die in the Game of Thrones season 5 finale , but (as so many fans have predicted), he’ll return as a wight, or a white walker, or a warg-y wolf or maybe even Walter White (we kid), but he won’t be a watcher on the Wall.  We suppose now would be a good time to apologize for that spoiler in the headline, but come on – you knew he would be back from the moment his Night’s Watch brothers gave him the Julius Caesar treatment. We know George R.R. Martin and showrunners David Benioff and David Weiss have developed a reputation for offing major characters like it ain’t no thang, but the writers spent way too much time establishing Jon’s importance to the resolution of the show’s central conflicts to just leave him dead in the, um…snow. We guess what we’re saying is that if you really thought Kit was done with GoT for good, then you know nothing (about), Jon Snow. Watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic if you’re already fiending for more bloody, boob-tastic action.

The rest is here:
Kit Harington: DEFINITELY Returning to Game of Thrones!

Top 10 Naked Stars of Spartacus

Tomorrow is the Ides of March, notorious as the date that Julius Caesar was slaughtered in the senate. If Caesar saw anything like Roman rackage served up by Viva Bianc a , Lucy Lawless and Erin Cummings on the Starz series Spartacus , he surely died happy. Get ready to spurtacus, because here’s the Top 10 Naked Stars of Spartacus!

See the article here:
Top 10 Naked Stars of Spartacus