Tag Archives: kandahar-test

Is Karzai Losing The Faith?

Rumors are swirling in Afghanistan that the country’s president, Hamid Karzai, is losing faith in the capacity for the West to defeat the Taliban, and some are even accusing Karzai of trying to strike his own deal with the Taliban and arch-rival Pakistan. The rumors follow a dramatic meeting between Karzai and the just-resigned intelligence chief and interior secretary, both of whom defected from the administration after claims that Karzai was unwilling to show interest in evidence proving the Talbian’s culpability in a rocket attack earlier this month. —JCL The New York Times: Two senior Afghan officials were showing President Hamid Karzai the evidence of the spectacular rocket attack on a nationwide peace conference earlier this month when Mr. Karzai told them that he believed the Taliban were not responsible. “The president did not show any interest in the evidence — none — he treated it like a piece of dirt,” said Amrullah Saleh, then the director of the Afghan intelligence service. Mr. Saleh declined to discuss Mr. Karzai’s reasoning in more detail. But a prominent Afghan with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Mr. Karzai suggested in the meeting that it might have been the Americans who carried it out. Minutes after the exchange, Mr. Saleh and the interior minister, Hanif Atmar, resigned — the most dramatic defection from Mr. Karzai’s government since he came to power nine years ago. Mr. Saleh and Mr. Atmar said they quit because Mr. Karzai made clear that he no longer considered them loyal. Read more Related Entries June 11, 2010 British PM: 2010 ‘Vital’ for Afghanistan June 9, 2010 Kandahar Test [A Cartoon From UAE]

The rest is here:
Is Karzai Losing The Faith?

British PM: 2010 ‘Vital’ For Afghanistan

Britain’s Prime Minister popped over to Afghanistan on Thursday to reaffirm that 2010 would be the “vital year” for his country’s military campaign against the Taliban, a claim made in the face of one of the toughest weeks against coalition forces in the past few years. —JCL The New York Times: . Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain flew to Kabul, Afghanistan, on Thursday, saying this would be the “vital year” for the campaign against the Taliban. “This is the year when we have to make progress — progress for the sake of the Afghan people, but progress also on behalf of people back at home who want this to work,” Mr. Cameron said. He said an increase in the number of British troops in Afghanistan, now about 10,000, was “not remotely on the U.K. agenda.” He made clear that Britain’s goal was to hand over security responsibilities to Afghan forces as soon as possible. At a news conference with the Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, Mr. Cameron said, “No one wants British troops to stay in Afghanistan for a day longer than is necessary.” Read more Related Entries June 9, 2010 Kandahar Test [A Cartoon From UAE] June 8, 2010 Newest National Security Strategy Is an Elaboration of the Old

Continued here:
British PM: 2010 ‘Vital’ For Afghanistan