Tag Archives: keep-on-hating

Ashley “The Face” Tisdale Hides Her Face in Hot Shorts of the Day

I’ve had an Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch running on the site for years. I think it started when she one some Teen Choice shit award for being the hottest chick of the year….and I got offended knowing that she either paid for that title, or maybe a call center of people were hired to vote until they knew she was a winner….it was a scam and I felt the need to point out all that is wrong with her….all those asymmetric issues, even after a nose job, just to level the playing field and not let her ego get out of control….and it looks like my hard work has paid off, because here she is with her hot body, cuz at least she took it upon herself to get fit on her rise to the top, cuz at a certain age, awkward faces don’t matter so much when all the other woman are obese…..because any hot girl who wins the hottest girl of the year award would be confident enough to walk around without using a purse to block out her face….> Which means Tisdale knows she’s ugly…and girls who know they are ugly are always down to fuck for some male attention that makes them feel wanted and loved….low self esteem is the reason I’m not a virgin…so finally Tisdale is in some pics I find erotic as fuck….Keep on hating your face bitch…you have every right to….we understand and hate it too…. TO See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Ashley “The Face” Tisdale Hides Her Face in Hot Shorts of the Day

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this isn’t for haters, they can keep on hating. do what you do best! this is mainly directed towards ignorance

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