Tag Archives: keep-the-bitch

Jay Z is Beyonce’s Bitch of the Day

My theory behind this Jay Z surprising Evil Beyonce while she performed on stage is that he either fucked around on her behind her back while she was on tour and he’s trying to do damage control, because no celebrity or performer is loyal to their signficant other and every single one I’ve met has cheated on their significant other while on tour.. You know, keep the bitch happy, so she doesn’t smell your dick when she gets home… Or Beyonce whined like an entitled cunt and demanded this from him. Whatever the reason, he’s a real bitch….real gangsters treat their hoes like hoes….yo. The thing that amazes me is how pumped her fan is, but then again he’s at a Beyonce concert so you’d assume he’s a half retard to begin with. The other thing that amazes me is that I am posting this, what’s wrong with me…

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Jay Z is Beyonce’s Bitch of the Day