Tag Archives: keep-the-first

Kristen Stewart Craved "Animal" Sex in Breaking Dawn Part 2

Kristen Stewart. Robert Pattinson . Animal sex. Do we have your attention? At Comic-Con last week, Stewart addressed the lovemaking she and her real-life boyfriend do on screen in Breaking Dawn Part 2 , comparing it to the hot honeymoon action between Bella and Edward in the first film. “The ratings, man! [It’s] a tricky thing … because we’re supposed to have mind-boggling, otherworldly … sex,” Stewart said. “In the first one, ‘Breaking Dawn 1,’ we really … this is weird … tried to keep the first one sweet. It’s about self-discovery. Nothing about this series is raunchy. And I know that. … But in the second one, we just wanted to be animals.” Alas, there’s only so much skin and so many sounds you can make while keeping the flick PG-13. Sorry, Twihards.

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Kristen Stewart Craved "Animal" Sex in Breaking Dawn Part 2