Tag Archives: kevin-reunite

Britney Spears, Kevin Federline Reunite For Kids’ Soccer Game

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were back together last weekend, if only for an afternoon, to watch sons Sean and Jayden play soccer in Woodland Hills, Calif. The former couple sat near each other but not on the same blanket. Kevin, baby mama Victoria Prince and their daughter Jordan sat behind Brit and her assistant. Needless to say, she looked outstanding and he looked … like K-Fed. With short jean shorts and a form-fitting pink tank top, the brunette star showed Kev what he’s missing … and what David Lucado is getting apparently. In all seriousness, it’s great that they get along and get together for the kiddos’ sake. Check out more K-Fed and Britney Spears photos after the jump:

Originally posted here:
Britney Spears, Kevin Federline Reunite For Kids’ Soccer Game