Tag Archives: know-if-rihanna

Rihanna Turning Me on Via Instagram of the Day

Here are some pics of Rihanna with her mom, who I can tell loves spending her daughter’s money, because it’s better than working as a cleaning lady at a Luxury hotel in barbados, or whatever it is that the mom did before her daughter became this fucking powerhouse and I think it is tapping into my incest fetish, because shit is hot like fire, old mom teaching her daughter some tricks, because you know if Rihanna never made it, they’d be sucking British dick together for 100 dollars. Destiny may have taken a different course, but I still can focus on what shoulda been. TO SEE HER IN AN OPEN DEMIN SHIRT WITH NO BRA FROM LAST FRIDAY FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Rihanna Turning Me on Via Instagram of the Day

Simon Cowell Gets Bajan Rihanna Wannabe Bitches of the Day

I wonder how many of the hottest Bajan bitches wait for the week Simon Cowell come’s visit his house…only to parade around like this for the motherfucker in hopes he makes a Rihanna out of them….cuz you know if Rihanna can do it with her shitty body and minimal talent with Jay-Z….these bitches can do it better….So they do the only thing they know how….stalk him hard, approach him, fuck him if he’s not too busy with Seacrest inside him, and hope for the best…luckily the paparazzi documented it because without seeing this…we’d all be worse off or maybe it’s the other way around….and this is useless information that none of us ever need to know….but I do know if you go to Barbados you need to pretend to be a record exect….but unfortunately, Bajan women don’t ever look like this…making this whole post a waste of time….pretty much like every post before it…that’s my life work. Deal with it…

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Simon Cowell Gets Bajan Rihanna Wannabe Bitches of the Day