Miranda Kerr is on the program. The program is what I call girls who become models in order to date rich dudes because rich dudes are better than poor dudes, even if the models themselves already have a million dollars or more in the bank, despite being fired by their big earning client, because they had sex with Beiber….so basically she’s been out of Victoria’s Secret for 2 years now, and that means fucking Bieber cost her 3 million dollars or more, so in a way, she paid to have sex with Beiber…what a freak.. The good news is that this Single Mother will be fine…and there are billionaires willing to pick up the pieces of her broken heart…and finance a life of luxury…because when you’re a model with a 10 year long career, what the fuck else are you gonna do with yourself….
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Miranda Kerr for Harper’s Bazaar of the DAy