Tag Archives: kushour


Last month a story came to light that was truly odd.The story as it was told was that a jewish woman filed charges against a Palistinian man she had slept with, claiming it was rape because he lied to her about his backround.Saber Kushour, a Palastinian muslim was arrested, tried, and sentenced to 18 months of prison on the charge of rape by deception. http://current.com/news/92580014_palestinian-man-convicted-of-rape-by-deception-… http://current.com/news/92560815_he-impersonated-a-human.htm http://current.com/news/92558827_lies-before-sex-gets-man-prison-time.htm (initial coverage of this story on current for easy reference) As Saber Kushour appeals the decision, more information about this case has been brought forward.As it turns out the charge of rape by deception was issued as a plea, not a reach to persecute an innocent man.previous accounts presented the sex to be consentual despite it being a legitimate rape, while using the case as an example of how racist a society Israel is.At the end of the day, in fact Mr Kushour had not only been accused based on a legitimate charge, but wasnt punished to the fullest extent of Israeli law.The reality is a Palastinian man raped an Israeli woman and was locked away.Not beheaded,Not stoned,Not suffering any injustice.This case as it turns out is no different than it would have been had it happened here.Credibility of all parties was evaluated, a rape kit was done, and he admited having sex, that the rape kit concluded to be forced. The irony is if it were not for Israel having a rape by deception law to use, Mr Kushour would have been worse off. Lets see who follows up, and who selectively ignores reality in creating particular bias's. In an attempt to not be as bias, the top link brings you a variety of sources to reference, not a just a partisan one. added by: freecrack