Tag Archives: backround

Newt Gingrich Makes An Islamic Extremist Recruitment Video

In a straight-to-DVD movie that will premiere tomorrow night in D.C., Newt Gingrich and Citizens United warn Americans of the impending threat of radical Islam. As one of their talking heads says in the trailer, “This is the end of times. This is the final struggle.” The movie, called “America At Risk,” paints the world as a dangerous place filled with radicalized Muslims who want to — and, importantly, can — destroy America. “The war on terror, and the ideology behind it, have only just begun,” Gingrich's wife, Callista Gingrich, intones while she and Gingrich stand in front of a green-screened New York skyline. Here's the trailer: If it looks familiar, that's because it's extremely similar to movies by the Clarion Fund, the nonprofit which produced “The Third Jihad” and “Obsession.” The latter, sent to 30 million homes during the 2008 election( http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/08/_obsession_and_the_cordoba_hou… ), helped plant the seeds of the current spate of anti-mosque protests and anti-Muslim rhetoric. It has the same themes (immediate threat of death by Islam), the same shots of terrorist attacks and scary “death to America” rallies, and many of the same people, like M. Zuhdi Jasser, a Muslim doctor from Arizona, and Bernard Lewis, a Princeton professor and sounce of the aforementioned “final struggle” line. “America At Risk” goes on the attack against the Obama administration much more than the Clarion movies, however, calling it “crazy” that the administration doesn't say “Islam” enough when discussing the war on terror. Former White House Chief of Staff and current presidential candidacy hinter-at John Bolton, notably, appears. “Washington refuses to tell the truth about the war we are fighting,” reads one press release. In the lead-up to his movie's release (now available for $19.95 on pre-order), Gingrich has been one of the most outspoken opponents of the Park51 Islamic center in downtown Manhattan. He has demanded the government step in and stop the “mosque” from being built. He has called its backers “radical Islamists” and likened them to Nazis. He suggested America be more like Saudi Arabia( http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/07/gingrich_on_ground_zero_mosque… ), which doesn't allow Christian churches. And so forth. We're told our review copy is in the mail. added by: toyotabedzrock

Keifer Sutherland Honors Socialist Grandfather

Who knew that the Sutherland's were related to the man Canadian's voted to be the greatest Canadian of all time. http://archives.cbc.ca/society/celebrations/topics/1455/ added by: trut

Leader of anti-gay group and guard at a NUCLEAR-BOMB facility in Amarillo says he plans to burn Quran on 9/11 anniversary

A Florida pastor may have called off his plan to burn Qurans on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. But David Grisham, the leader of a militant evangelical group in Amarillo, tells the local CBS affiliate( http://www.newschannel10.com/global/story.asp?s=13135412 ) that he plans to publicly burn the Muslim holy book on Saturday. Grisham is the leader of Repent Amarillo, which gained attention in January when it launched a boycott of Houston after the city elected on openly gay mayor, Annise Parker: > According to Grisham, he has questioned why he should go through with his plan, > but in the end, he feels it is right. > “Terrorism was seeded by the ideas in the Quran. It’s the Quran that has put our troops > in danger. Burning one isn’t going to put our troops in danger. It’s the ideas contained > in that book that put them in danger,” said Grisham. Grisham is a security guard at a NUCLEAR-BOMB facility called Pantex, according to media reports. Repent Amarillo goes by the moniker “Army of God” and refers to itself as the “special forces of spiritual warfare.” The group has also gained attention for a campaign to shut down a local swingers club, as well as a “warfare map” posted on its website identifying its enemies in Amarillo. added by: toyotabedzrock


Last month a story came to light that was truly odd.The story as it was told was that a jewish woman filed charges against a Palistinian man she had slept with, claiming it was rape because he lied to her about his backround.Saber Kushour, a Palastinian muslim was arrested, tried, and sentenced to 18 months of prison on the charge of rape by deception. http://current.com/news/92580014_palestinian-man-convicted-of-rape-by-deception-… http://current.com/news/92560815_he-impersonated-a-human.htm http://current.com/news/92558827_lies-before-sex-gets-man-prison-time.htm (initial coverage of this story on current for easy reference) As Saber Kushour appeals the decision, more information about this case has been brought forward.As it turns out the charge of rape by deception was issued as a plea, not a reach to persecute an innocent man.previous accounts presented the sex to be consentual despite it being a legitimate rape, while using the case as an example of how racist a society Israel is.At the end of the day, in fact Mr Kushour had not only been accused based on a legitimate charge, but wasnt punished to the fullest extent of Israeli law.The reality is a Palastinian man raped an Israeli woman and was locked away.Not beheaded,Not stoned,Not suffering any injustice.This case as it turns out is no different than it would have been had it happened here.Credibility of all parties was evaluated, a rape kit was done, and he admited having sex, that the rape kit concluded to be forced. The irony is if it were not for Israel having a rape by deception law to use, Mr Kushour would have been worse off. Lets see who follows up, and who selectively ignores reality in creating particular bias's. In an attempt to not be as bias, the top link brings you a variety of sources to reference, not a just a partisan one. added by: freecrack