Tag Archives: lance-easley

Replacement Referee Somehow Defends Touchdown Call

Lance Easley is making like Teresa Giudice . The referee who ruled Golden Tate had simultaneous possession of a Russell Wilson Hail Mary Monday, giving the Seahawks a controversial 14-12 win over the Packers, is somehow standing by his call. Even if it’s more unpopular than Dina Lohan . Replacement Refs Screw the Green Bay Packers “I didn’t do anything wrong,” Easley tells TMZ, saying of the Packers defenders most believe intercepted the pass: “You have to not only have the ball but have either two feet or a body part on the ground, and that never happened.” Adding that he doesn’t “appreciate the negative stuff” coming his way, Easley insisted: “Put any other official who knows the rules and they would make the same call.” In his defense, the NFL has come out with a statement in support of the ruling. Not in his defense, however: the league also scrambled to resolve its labor dispute with the actual referees , who will be back in place this evening and throughout Sunday’s games. Thank goodness.

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Replacement Referee Somehow Defends Touchdown Call