Tag Archives: largest-animals

Chicago Using GPS-Collared Coyotes to Control Rodents?

Photo via video from WGN-TV Most of the time when a city has a rodent problem, they call in human exterminators. But Chicago seems to be testing out something slightly more… natural. After spotting a coyote running down State Street in Chicago, residents became aware of a project the city is testing out that includes allowing GPS-fitted coyotes to run free in the city specifically for them to gobble up problematic pests like rats, mice and rabbits. Video of the wily coyote after the jump. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Chicago Using GPS-Collared Coyotes to Control Rodents?

When Size Matters: The Planet’s Largest Animals (Slideshow)

Credit: P_Linehan / Creative Commons If you thought that massive creatures disappeared when dinosaurs became extinct, think again: From this super-sized frog to 1,000-pound snakes to 8-foot tall birds, the giants of the animal world are still all around us. But for many of them, size doesn’t protect them from poaching, habitat loss, and other threats — which means some of these animals could be our next big extinctions.

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When Size Matters: The Planet’s Largest Animals (Slideshow)