Tag Archives: these-animals

Shelter Dogs Undergo Amazing Transformations: See the Pics!

Remember this video of an abandoned dog undergoing an incredible makeover ? Well… we hope you’re in the mood to see many abandoned dogs that have undergone amazing makeovers. The “Top Shelter Dog in America” contest recently concluded, as organizations The Wahl Foundation and GreaterGood.org teamed up to encourage shelters around the country to transform their residents. These facilities were given supplies and asked to submit before-and-after photos, with $5,000 going to the shelter who did the best job making over one of its canines. The goal, according to a manager at Wahl, was to promote adoption of these animals and “change public perceptions about dogs that might just need a little extra grooming and TLC.” And the results, as you can see here, were astounding: Shelter Dog Beauty Contest Photos 1. What a Transformation! Hard to believe this is the same dog, isn’t it?

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Shelter Dogs Undergo Amazing Transformations: See the Pics!

When Size Matters: The Planet’s Largest Animals (Slideshow)

Credit: P_Linehan / Creative Commons If you thought that massive creatures disappeared when dinosaurs became extinct, think again: From this super-sized frog to 1,000-pound snakes to 8-foot tall birds, the giants of the animal world are still all around us. But for many of them, size doesn’t protect them from poaching, habitat loss, and other threats — which means some of these animals could be our next big extinctions.

Continue reading here:
When Size Matters: The Planet’s Largest Animals (Slideshow)

What are These Animals Doing in the Water? (Slideshow)

Photo via The Telegraph Fish aren’t the only creatures that like spending time in the water: From the bovines of the Bahamas’ Pig Beach and the water-loving Turkish Van cat to swimming orangutans, see more mammals unexpectedly jumping into oceans, rivers, lakes, and pools for a dip.

Here is the original post:
What are These Animals Doing in the Water? (Slideshow)

Pass The Critter

A Japanese game show in which a bite-sized critter needs to be transported (by mouth) through a series of curtains into a new habitat. For a lot of these animals, a Japanese man's mouth is the most efficient and safe way to be transported. So really, these men are heroes. The Best Links: Via Unique Daily Watch

The Mexican Axolotl Salamander

This amazing species of salamander is on the verge of extinction . There are only 700-1200 wild Axolotl's in the few remaining natural springs outside of Mexico City.

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The Mexican Axolotl Salamander