Tag Archives: unique-daily

The Ibex’s Evolutionary Advantage

The ibex uses it's huge horns for many impressive things, but this use is by far the most appealing to me. You can ram junk AND scratch your own butt? Man, I need a pair of those things. The Best Links: Via Unique Daily Watch

Pass The Critter

A Japanese game show in which a bite-sized critter needs to be transported (by mouth) through a series of curtains into a new habitat. For a lot of these animals, a Japanese man's mouth is the most efficient and safe way to be transported. So really, these men are heroes. The Best Links: Via Unique Daily Watch

Paper Pixels

A 100×100 pixel music video, where every pixel is it's own HD video. This guy must have a lot of free time (and free paper) on his hands

Paper Pixels

Back Pain Wayne

It's all fun and games until somebody slips a disk. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Man Discovers Uninvited Roomate

This guy set up a secret camera to see what was eating his food, only to find that a homeless woman had secretly taken up residence in a storage space above his kitchen. She had been up there for several weeks before he found her and had police come to remove her. Only in New York City

Go here to see the original:
Man Discovers Uninvited Roomate

Nordstrom Vs. Christmas

Nordstrom takes a rare, noble stand against the hateful Santa infestation that is soon to be upon us. There's very little that's more depressing to me than the first $%#@ing Christmas carol of November. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Glass: Half Full, Empty, Or?

This philosophical poster goes way past the usual dichotomy of pessimism/optimism. I wish there were also an entry for absurdist. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Monster Prom Dress

Don't be the girl wearing Jessica McClintock. Be this girl, teens of America! (Update: Jack informs me that this was on Regretsy, but I do NOT think it is a regret! So there.) Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Don’t Neglect Your Mouse Balls

Yet another important lesson from public access television. Mouse ball maintenance: the cornerstone of free speech and SNL sketches. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Thriller 8-Bit Tribute

Dance party alert. Or you could just stare at this guy dancing, like I am. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment