Tag Archives: latest-campaign

Cara Delevingne Grinds Against Some Statues For Pepe Jeans

The latest campaign video for Pepe Jeans is a wet ‘n wild black and white masterpiece.

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Cara Delevingne Grinds Against Some Statues For Pepe Jeans

Kate Upton Zoo York Ad: Banned By MTV!

When MTV won’t air an ad, you know it’s gotta be pretty profane. Such is the case for Kate Upton ‘s latest campaign for skater clothing brand Zoo York, in which she can be seen jogging (and stretching!) through Manhattan as a pair of foul-mouthed cockroaches profanely ogle the the SI cover model. That about sums it up. Watch the (VERY NSFW) spot below: Kate Upton Zoo York Ad Adult Swim programs apparently banned the Kate Upton ad as well, which isn’t really a big surprise, given that it makes her Carl’s Jr. ad look downright tame.

Kate Upton Zoo York Ad: Banned By MTV!